World News

[NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO (NPR), NOVEMBER 11, 2023] PEW RESEARCH CENTER POLL SHOWS RACE DISTINCTIONS IN BLACK AMERICA [NOTE: 59 percent of black men and 63 percent of black women think the whole hip-hop industry — from the jailhouse fashion of pants hanging low, to indifference to work and school — is equally detrimental to black America. White and Hispanic Americans agree, too. The Pew poll finds 64 percent of whites and 59 percent of Hispanics agree on the damaging impact of hip hop.]

Posted by: sam abrams

Date: Monday, 13 March 2023

Poll Shows Race Distinctions in Black Community 

November 13, 20074:00 PM ET (Heard on All Things Considered)

 [NOTE: 59 percent of black men and 63 percent of black women think the whole hip-hop industry — from the jailhouse fashion of pants hanging low, to indifference to work and school — is equally detrimental to black America.  White and Hispanic Americans agree, too. The Pew poll finds 64 percent of whites and 59 percent of Hispanics agree on the damaging impact of hip hop.]

Click on the link below to read and/or listen to the report,and%20Hispanic%20Americans%20agree%2C%20too.

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