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Is Google suppressing news from RFK Jr.’s campaign?

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Date: Monday, 18 September 2023

Is Google suppressing news from RFK Jr.’s campaign?

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

On September 16th, RFK Jr., whom all of the polls have shown to have a much higher net-favorability rating by registered American voters than any other U.S. Presidential candidate (including both Biden and Trump) does, is being so much censored out of the Web in Google searches, so that either Google itself is doing this by means of its search-algorithms, or else all of the U.S. news media are doing it by means of their editorial policies (their selection of writers, and of which stories to publish and to reject — or else both methods of censorship are being applied.

For example, on September 16th RFK Jr.’s campaign sent out a news-release headlined “Armed Man Posing as U.S. Marshal Arrested at Kennedy Event Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month”. It was the fullest account yet of the event that had occurred the prior day, at which two men with guns, one having extra ammunition, pretended to be part of RFK Jr.’s privately hired security detail in order to be able to position themselves near to where he would be. The following important new information in this news-report had not yet been reported by any news-medium: “LAPD also took custody of a second man, who came to the campaign event with the primary suspect. Protectors observed that the man seeking access to the event had a backpack, found to contain at least one other handgun, multiple knives, and extra ammunition.” So: this was very hot news, about a likely attempt to assassinate Kennedy — a very hot news-story.

However, 24 hours later, by which time his press release ought to have been widely published, here was the result from a Google search for the headline with quotation-marks around it (which, of course, is the right way to search for a certain succession of words on the Web):

And here is what Google produced once I clicked onto the link at their phrase at the end, “If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included.”:

About 4 results (0.24 seconds) 

Search Results

Armed Man Posing as U.S. Marshal Arrested at Kennedy ...

Kennedy24 › armed_man_arrested_k...

1 day ago — Armed Man Posing as U.S. Marshal Arrested at Kennedy Event Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month ... LOS ANGELES, CA—SEPT. 16, 2023—An armed man ...

Armed Man Arrested at Kennedy Event | David Thomas

NewsBreak Original › David Thomas

1 day ago — Armed Man Posing as U.S. Marshal Arrested at Kennedy Event Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. LOS ANGELES, CA—SEPT. 16, 2023—An armed man ...


So: that’s the fullest find from Google (just those 4), on this historically very important news-report. Within 24 hours of the press release’s having been issued, nobody except (and, of course, the Kennedy campaign) had published it, or else Google had filtered-out from their finds, all of the other news-media that had published it. Or else both.


My news-report about the event was also issued on September 16, and headlined simply “Joe Biden Wants RFK Jr. Dead” — it was accepting as factually true RFK’s allegations that he is the only Presidential candidate in modern times who has requested and been denied Secret Service protection — and one of the reader-comments to it said that, “Secret Service states that they don’t provide any protection, by their own rules, until four or five months prior to election day. So technically there is no obligation to do so.” However, there is no legal “obligation” to provide that protection, but it is instead discretionary on the part of the sitting President and Administration. Furthermore, the first of those two sentences, “Secret Service states that they don’t provide any protection, by their own rules, until four or five months prior to election day,” is false, as was documented at great length on August 7th, by Jeremy R. Hammond, in his excellent 7,000-word “Setting the Record Straight on the Denial of Secret Service Protection to RFK Jr.”, which provided numerous examples to the contrary of that allegation; such as, for example, the following ones:

  • March 2000 – George W. Bush receives Secret Service protection at least 221 days before the election.
  • February 20, 2004 – Senator John Kerry receives Secret Service protection 256 days before the election. The same day, ABC News reports that John Edwards would also “soon” receive Secret Service protection.
  • May 3, 2007 – Barack Obama receives Secret Service protection 551 days before the election for having received “hate mail and calls and other ‘threatening materials’” that fell short of “any specific, credible threat” against him, as reported by CNN. Obama receives this protection even though, at the time, he didn’t meet the polling criteria.
  • April 23, 2008 – A spokesman for Senator John McCain confirms 195 days before the election that he is receiving Secret Service protection.
  • November 17, 2011 – Herman Cain receives Secret Service protection 355 days before the 2012 election, reportedly due to threats made against him.

CNN headlined on July 28th, “Fact check: RFK Jr.’s misleading viral claim about Secret Service protection”, but chose to exclude the many examples that violated, disproved, their allegations. 

RFK Jr.’s statements about this matter are to the effect that, as he stated in his September 16th press release:   

“I’m still entertaining a hope that President Biden will allow me Secret Service protection,” he added.

Unlike many other high-profile candidates who were given Secret Service protection more than a year before the general election, Kennedy’s applications, one filed in May and another in August, have both been rejected. The campaign plans to apply a third time this month.


His specific accusation against his competitor, Biden, on this is that, as he stated it in a tweet on September 16th: “I am the first presidential candidate in history to whom the White House has denied a request for protection.” No one has disproved that; even the astoundingly hostile news media, which say that he is lying about this, haven’t cited even a single exception to that statement.

If RFK Jr. becomes assassinated during his campaign for the Democratic Party’s Presidential nomination, then Biden himself will have become exposed to all as the person who had facilitated the assassin’s success, and will share with that person in the guilt for the murder of his biggest political competitor. Is that the way to win continued stay in the White House?

Google, and the news-media, by their oppressive censorship, which has been documented here, will also share some of the blame. This is a very serious matter for American democracy (or what little still remains of it), and by their continuous propagandizing for the Biden campaign, they are assisting a psychopath to continue running the Democratic Party. It also shows how stupid Biden is, because, if he does succeed in helping to get RFK Jr. assassinated, then how many Americans who have been voting for Democratic Party candidates will continue to do so? It will not be favorable, either to Biden’s campaign, or to the Democratic Party. Biden’s own psychopathy will then clearly have gotten the better of him, by means of his own stupidity. It will do him in, and his Party in — and his country in.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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