World News

Whereas Russia targets only military facilities in Ukraine, Israel targets genocide in Gaza.

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Date: Saturday, 30 December 2023

Whereas Russia targets only military facilities in Ukraine, Israel targets genocide in Gaza.

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

Throughout the Ukrainian war, ever since its start in 2014, and up till the present time, Russia has targeted only military facilities, but throughout the Gazan war, Israel has instead aimed to eliminate the Gazan people by starving them, prohibiting essential medical supplies to them, and, now, by bombing them in order to slaughter them and to destroy their hospitals, schools, and other essential civilian facilities, so that this will be a genocide to eliminate the population there.

On December 29th, the AP headlined “Russia fires 122 missiles and 36 drones in what Ukraine calls the biggest aerial barrage of the war” and reported that “Russia launched 122 missiles and dozens of drones against Ukrainian targets, officials said Friday, killing at least 24 civilians across the country in what an air force official said was the biggest aerial barrage of the war.” The targets that were identified by this U.S. propaganda-outlet were all military. Obviously, if Russia had targeted any hospital, school, or etc., then the AP would have featured it prominently, but instead there were no such examples, among the “122 missiles and 36 drones” — and the AP conspicuously failed to call attention to that remarkable fact. That propaganda-report did say “A maternity hospital, apartment blocks and schools were among the buildings reported damaged across Ukraine,” but “damaged” doesn’t mean “targeted”; and in every war there unavoidably will be other objects that will be “damaged” and even some civilians who will be injured and killed, as “collateral damage.” Hitler is universallly hated because he targeted civilians to become slaughtered — genocide — in addition to military targets. Horst von Maltitz perceptively observed in this regard in his 1973 The Evolution of Hitler’s Germany (p. 171), that “railroad transport trains carrying Jews from the West to extermination camps in Poland were given priority over trains for urgently needed troops and war supplies. Moreover, skilled Jewish laborers, desperately needed in the munitions plants in occupied Poland, were carted off to extermination centers, in spite of strong objections by plant managers.” And according to the Polish Ambassador, Jan Ciechanowski, in his 1947 Defeat in Victory (p. 179), he had personally handed U.S. President Roosevelt in the White House on 28 July 1943 a memo that, “The unprecedented destruction of the entire Jewish population is not motivated by Germany’s military requirements. Hitler and his subordinates aim at the total destruction of the Jews before the war ends and regardless of its outcome.” By contrast, the AP’s propaganda-article reported that, “In Boyarka, near the capital, Kyiv, the debris of a shot-down drone fell on a home and started a fire. Andrii Korobka, 47, said his mother was sleeping next to the room where the wreckage landed and was taken to hospital suffering from shock.” That wasn’t civilians being targeted; it was definitely collateral damage to civilians. It continued: “In Odesa, on the southern coast, falling drone wreckage started a fire at a multistory residential building, according to the regional head, Oleh Kiper. Two people were killed and 15, including two children, were injured, he said.” Would the propagandists have even reported that allegation if the targeting of schools, hospitals, food-distribution centers and refugee camps had occurred such as is happening in Gaza?

On 21 October 1941, Hitler, in the privacy of his bunker, concluded a long tirade against Jews (as transcribed in his Table-Talk) by saying: “By exterminating this pest, we shall do humanity a service of which our soldiers can have no idea.” Hitler’s buddy, Himmler, stated, in a speech to top SS leaders, two years later, when the Holocaust was in full swing, on 4 October 1943, that this extermination was necessary for them to carry out, in order to have “exterminated a bacterium because we do not want in the end to be infected by the bacterium and die of it.” Hitler had stated, on various occasions, that the “Jewish infection” or “Jewish bacterium” or “blood-poisoning by Jews,” was transmitted to non-Jews in their “blood,” and so Jews must be entirely eradicated like plague-carrying rats — not only in Germany, but beyond. Hitler said, on 24 February 1943: “This fight will not end with the planned annihilation of the Aryan [which to him meant the descendants of Adam and Eve in Genesis 3] but with the extermination of the Jew [which to him meant the descendants of the snake in Genesis 3] in Europe. Beyond this, thanks to this fight, our movement’s world of thought will become the common heritage of all people.”

Furthermore, that 24 February 1943 quotation ISN’T from the flawed Trevor-Roper publication of the Table-Talk but instead from an authentic speech that Hitler gave on that date, and the varying translations of which were discussed in an 8 March 1943 OSS Memorandum by Walter Langer to William Donovan. The 1941 quotation from Hitler isn’t only in the original German version of the Table-Talk but was quoted in a book by Winston Churchill in 1948, four years before any translated version of the Table-Talks (Tischgesprache) (and this includes the one issued by Trevor-Roper) was published. The Himmler quotation is likewise accepted as authentic by historians.  

No reasonable and honestly informed person will doubt that for Hitler, the extermination-program existed and constituted an end-in-itself; and (based upon the circumstantial evidence that von Maltitz cites) constituted for Hitler the most important end-in-itself.

That is what Israeli troops, and their American weapons and intelligence support, now is doing to the Gazans.

Excellent daily news-reporting on the U.S.-Israeli genocide against Gazans can be found at, and at


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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