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Why the U.S. Regime and Its Colonies Hide the Reality from their Public

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Date: Sunday, 14 July 2024

Why the U.S. Regime and Its Colonies Hide the Reality from their Public

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

The central reality ever since Harry S. Truman started the Cold War on 25 July 1945 has been and is that the U.S. Government is determined to capture Russia in order to culminate and satisfy the craving that America’s billionaires (who control the U.S. Government via their ‘news’-media, think tanks, and other propaganda-agencies) have, to achieve the world’s first-ever all-encompassing and unchallengeable global empire (it’s called “U.S. hegemony”). Just months after Hitler died with that dream for Germany’s Government, Truman took up this banner for America’s Government. It’s too ugly a fact for the empire to allow the public to know. This fact explains not only the U.S. regime’s secretly protecting thousands of ‘former’ Nazis and hiring them for work against the Soviet Union (which had no similar program of hiring Nazis to work against the U.S.), but also the nearly a hundred post-WW2 coups and over 130 U.S. military invasions and occupations of countries throughout the world after WW2 — clearly the world’s most aggressive country ever, with the only possible exception having been Hitler’s Germany. But within the U.S. empire (the U.S. and its by now nearly 50 colonies), it is unknown because strictly prohibited to assert and even more strictly prohibited to document (think, for example, of the thousands of ‘classified’ documents from 1945 to 1955 — more than 65 years ago — that still remain hidden by the U.S. Government and its satellites, and of the uncounted thousands of others that have been released only recently and so heavily expurgated as to be virtually uninterpretable). Why does the U.S. Congress not pass a law forcing the U.S. Government to publish ALL documents in its possession that are more than 30 years old? Why don’t its ‘allies’ do it? And they all have the nerve to call themselves democracies! (And to call the nations they aim yet to conquer ‘autocracies’ or ‘dictatorships’!) Only fools can trust such pretentious hypocritical regimes, because these Governments lie about themselves vastly more than other Governments do — they have to do it in order to remain in power ‘democratically’ (meaning with elections), which is the way that new-style dictatorships function.

The first fact that they hide is that though elections are a NECESSARY part of any democracy, elections throughout the U.S. empire are only for PR purposes, to fool the deceived public to think that an election is a SUFFICIENT condition in order to BE a democracy. That ridiculous lie is universal throughout the U.S. empire — despite its ludicrousness. For example: Did you know that each of the two political Parties in America, the DNC and the RNC, is a closed self-appointing private club, which has no obligation to its voters — much less to the entire public — and so it can and sometimes does ignore vote-counts in its primary ’elections’, whenever it wants to? And it consists of representatives of the Party’s mega-donors, and is funded by billionaires and their agents including lobbyists. For example, these are the reasons why Bernie Sanders, whom no billionaire donated to, actually never had a chance to win the Democratic Party’s nomination, regardless of what the voters wanted. It’s all for show, and the show must go on.

The second fact they hide is the falsehood of the belief that a multi-Party Government is necessarily more democratic than a one-Party Government is. By hiding the falsehood of that allegation, they falsely allege that they themselves ARE a “democracy” because they have multiple Parties (representing different factions within the aristocracy). The ridiculousness of that falsehood is now painfully evident in the indisputable fact that in both the U.S. itself and its main colleague the UK, the two Parties that vie for power — Democrats versus Republicans, and Labour versus Conservative — have become indistinguishable from one-another on the key ideological matters: each of the four Parties is the very embodiment of neoliberalism in domestic policies and of neoconservatism in foreign policies. The liberal billionaires and the conservative billionaires are solidly both neoliberal and neoconservative. And ALL billionaires are both neoliberals and neoconservatives (which is why our Governments are). That’s a “democracy”? It is instead a voracious empire, which is ruled on behalf of its billionaires — not of the public.

A third fact that is hidden is the fact that any empire is intrinsically a dictatorship — internationally because each of its colonies is required to adhere to the commands of its imperial master; and nationally because even within the imperial nation (as well as in each of its colonies), the residents are actually only subjects never citizens, because NO empire represents, or can represent, its residents, it represents ONLY its aristocracy, its super-rich.

A fourth fact is that, in the post-WW2 world, when missiles exist that fly so fast that it can become possible for an imperial country — now actually the ONLY imperial country, America — to blitz-annihilate the central command of a targeted-for-takeover country (such as Russia) so fast that the target’s central command (such as The Kremlin) might even be annihilated within as short a time as only 5 minutes away from a nuclear-tipped missile’s being launched, thereby preventing any retaliation; international relations are now only a hair-trigger away from doomsday (because of America’s obsessively voraciously power-craving billionaires, who insist upon conquering not only Russia but China).

Here is how obsessive the U.S. regime is about this objective of controlling all other countries: on 27 October 2022, I headlined “NATO wants to place nuclear missiles on Finland’s Russian border — Finland says yes”, and reported that “a condition that NATO had placed on Finland to join NATO was to allow America’s nuclear missiles to be positioned on Finland’s Russian border, which is closer to Moscow than any other except Ukraine’s. Whereas Ukraine’s would be 5 minutes from blitz-nuking Moscow so as to preemptively decapitate Russia’s retaliatory capacity, Finland’s would be 7 minutes — only around 120 seconds longer for Russia to be able to launch its retaliatory strikes.” If Finland had said no to that condition from the U.S., then, as Newsweek’s intentionally hiding the real news in their news-report about this had phrased the matter, Finland “gave a ‘commitment’ to NATO in July [2022] that they wouldn’t seek ‘restrictions or national reservations’ [against whatever or wherever in Finland, the U.S. Government might choose to place a nuclear-tipped missile targeted at The Kremlin] if Helsinki's application is accepted.” Decoding Newseeek’s intentionally hard-to-understand article about this: America — the master-nation over NATO — had demanded of Finland’s Government: either you allow us to place wherever we want in Finland, whatever nuclear weapons we want to place there, or else you won’t be allowed into NATO. Kotka Finland is only 507 miles away from The Kremlin — that’s around 7 minutes away. Only Ukraine (317 miles from The Kremlin) would be nearer; 507 miles would be the nearest-yet — and so the Washington Government demanded this condition. Since it now looks unlikely that America will be able to place such a missile in Shostka Ukraine, 317 miles away, Kotka Finland is now America’s fallback position, 507 miles away. This is real geostrategy, not the fake stuff (such as Annie Jacobsen’s potboiler Nuclear War: A Scenario, which provides an extremely unlikely scenario for WW3’s start, which presumes there’s no imperialistic intent on the part of America’s Government — it’s just nice people making mistakes — and so, her book is, to that extent, divorced from reality — this being the reality that is hidden throughout the U.S. empire).

The reason the U.S. regime and its colonies hide the reality from their public is that they don’t want the public to know the reality; they instead want to control the public by means of their own lies — and that is how they have been doing it. The public are very controllable this way.

A personal friend, a U.S. veteran, emailed me today saying, 

Because of Ukraine funding which includes medical care for their wounded, American veterans are being denied health care.

Biden instituted a hiring freeze at VA facilities [see about that here] which has led to appointments for emergency critical care to be 6 months wait or longer which in some cases guarantees death.

I have personal experience in this area, as I am a disabled veteran and found this to be not only true but to get my VA doctor to take a phone call required me calling my member of congress and having her intercede.

When he called back he said to not even try to get care and to use my civilian insurance (which I and very few others am lucky enough to have) and go to a hospital emergency room.  

Of course, Emergency room care costs 12 to 18 times as much as a visit to a retail health clinic, eight to 12 times as much as a visit to a doctor’s office and six to seven times more than an urgent care visit. So: America’s healthcare system is by far the world’s least efficient, because the Government is incredibly corrupt, which is the way things are in any aristocracy, and America is extremely so.

It’s just not being reported to the public, though the signs of it are. For example: on 7 November 2023, Axios headlined “U.S. health outcomes worse than OECD nations on most measures”, which was actually an understatement of the facts:

The U.S. performs worse than the average developed nation on 77% of health status indicators like life expectancy, obesity and opioid mortality rate, according to an Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development report.

Why it matters: U.S. health spending as a share of gross domestic product yet again far outpaces the other 37 OECD nations while the country continues to have poor outcomes, the OECD Health at a Glance 2023 report shows.

By the numbers: The U.S. ranks 33 out of 38 OECD countries for average life expectancy, after recording one of the largest decreases between 2019 and 2021.

Virtually the only thing that all U.S. billionaires demand from their Government is for it to spend vastly more on ‘defense’ than all other countries do (which means to cut necessary services to the public). And, on top of that, they want it to spend more on healthcare than any other country does. They’ve invested heavily in those sorts of things, and are more concerned about their profits than they are about the country they live in.

Of course, the public don’t have those same priorities; so, they need to be fooled as to what ‘their’ Government’s priorities actually are. And people such as G.W. Bush, Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, are professionals at doing that. And this is American ‘democracy’.

The Democrats blame the Republicans, and the Republicans blame the Democrats — and neither blames the billionaires, who actually run both.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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