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How The West Double-Crossed — and Aims to Conquer — Russia

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Date: Sunday, 14 July 2024

How The West Double-Crossed — and Aims to Conquer — Russia

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

Geostrategy in the post-1962-Cuban-Missile-Crisis age focuses on preventing any superpower getting the ability to blitz-annihilate another superpower’s central command (or “Government”) so fast that the attacked nation won’t have sufficient time to verify that that attack was launched and then to press the button to release its own retaliatory weapons in response to that blitz. Basically, it’s about — not arms-control treaties, such as the U.S. had signed with the Soviet Union, because they’re not nearly as important — but instead about sheer geography. It is about preventing any missile from becoming placed closer to a superpower’s capital than a 30-minute flight-time away. It is about preventing a blitz nuclear attack against a country’s central command that would behead the country’s Government and thus prevent its response. And the U.S. has been consistently the aggressor in this, and is now trying to get it down to a mere five minutes flight-time away from Moscow.

The precipitating event for the Cuban Missile Crisis was Eisenhower’s having placed in Turkey — too close to The Kremlin for it to tolerate — Jupiter nuclear-tipped missiles, indicating the U.S. Government’s plan to blitz-annihilate the Soviet Union’s central command. Kennedy, when he came into office (three days after Eisenhower’s duplicitous Farewell Address condemned the “military industrial complex” that Ike himself and Truman had, in fact, co-created) didn’t realize that the cunning Ike had set Kennedy up for a series of Cuba-related crises that would be difficult to deal with and to politically survive; and, so, JFK tried to deal with these problems uncritically, as-if they weren’t mines that his own political opposition had laid in his path in order to gain a domestic political advantage against him. (Vietnam was another of these mines that Ike had set for JFK.) The then-naive Kennedy not only followed through with Ike’s planned invasion of Cuba (which ended disastrously for JFK) but with Ike’s outrageous plan to set up to blitz-attack The Kremlin, from Turkey, a mere 1,200 miles away from The Kremlin. Khrushchev, of course, wasn’t so naive: he knew that he would (because of the missiles that Ike had placed in Turkey) now have to comply with Castro’s request to position Soviet nuclear-tipped missiles in Cuba (which Castro had been wanting in order to provide him the ability to prevent the CIA’s planned invasion of Cuba). 

The Soviet Union started placing missiles there; and, when JFK learned about it, Kennedy was at first all set to go along with the advice from all but one of his advisors, (Adlai Stevenson) to immediately annihilate those missiles — which could spark WW3. Only Adlai Stevenson advocated that there instead first be negotiations, which Kennedy viewed as weak and analogized to Neville Chamberlain’s notorious Munich Agreement. But then, Kennedy suddenly changed his mind, used exactly the strategy Stevenson had recommended to him, and so the world wasn’t blown up.  

On 16 October 2022, Peter Kornbluh headlined “How JFK Sacrificed Adlai Stevenson and the Lessons of the Cuban Missile Crisis” and wrote:

“It took historians some 27 years to fully uncover the record of the missile swap [between Cuba and Turkey]. … None of the early memoirs by top Kennedy aides, such as Schlesinger and Sorensen, contained the real history. These incomplete accounts became the basis of the foreign-policy models and paradigms in political scientist Graham Allison’s [I’ve written extensively about how untrustworthy he is] highly influential book, Essence of Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis. A full generation of scholars, analysts, foreign-policy makers, and even presidents learned the wrong lessons from the most significant superpower conflict in modern history.”

Stevenson was then smeared by Kennedy and his scribes, but was the actual — and lone — source of the idea that saved the world from what would likely have otherwise become a nuclear catastrophe. Stevenson turned out to have been, by far, the best of JFK’s advisors.

And yet still the ‘historians’ are ignoring what really drove what really happened (which was the geography, far more than it was the missiles themselves). To put it bluntly: The U.S. was planning to ‘win’ a nuclear war against the Soviet Union, which then did what it needed to do in order to prevent that from happening. And, subsequently, starting on 24 February 1990, U.S. President GHW Bush started secretly and privately instructing his vassals such as Kohl and Mitterrand, that on the U.S. side, the Cold War and the expansion of NATO right up to Russia’s borders, would continue, notwithstanding Russia’s ending the Cold War on its side, and would do this so as to become able to get a U.S. missile as close to The Kremlin as possible and so capture Russia. Euphemisms such as ‘containing’ Russia would be the cover story for the U.S. regime’s Russia-policy, but America moving forward to become the exclusive controller over all other nations, and weakening the U.N. even further so as to edge it out into irrelevance, was going to be the real strategy. The goal wasn’t to ‘contain’ the Soviet Union; it was to capture the Soviet Union (add it to the U.S. empire). This was the same GHW Bush who had earlier instructed his agents to communicate to Gorbachev that if the Soviet Union would end, NATO wouldn’t expand “one inch to the east [i.e., toward Russia].” And, so, the entire “The West” lied to Gorbachev — double-crossed Russia — in order to become enabled to get its missiles too close to The Kremlin. The U.S. regime was and is the aggressor in this; Russia is merely defending itself from it. But U.S.-and-‘allied’ propaganda asserts the exact opposite. In fact, the Warsaw Pact (countries that Russian forces liberated from Hitler) were never expanded westward. Nor was any such thing ever intended by Russia’s Government. The aggression (not merely invasions, but also coups, and more) came entirely from America. The propaganda simply lies.

The main modern iteration of this U.S. regime obsession to get a nuclear missile posted so near to The Kremlin so that the blitz-attack would happen too fast to be responded to, is the case of Ukraine, which is only 317 miles or five minutes of flying-time away from The Kremlin. What Cuba was to the United States in 1962, Ukraine came to be to Russia after Obama’s coup there grabbed it in February 2014. But whereas Cuba is 1,131 miles away from DC, Ukraine is only 317 miles away from Moscow; so, in this iteration of the geography-based strategy, Russia’s argument against Ukraine is even stronger than America’s argument against Cuba was in 1962. Russia has been altogether too trusting of the U.S. Government. But, by now, any further continuation of that trust in this Government, is extremely unlikely — not only in Russia, but everywhere. Increasingly, the U.S. Government will get the international reputation that it deserves and has deserved ever since 1945 (especially after 1990).

The U.S.-and-‘allied’ (or actually colonial) publics have been totally lied to, deceived in order to support their Government’s hegemonic imperialist foreign policies, which benefit only their super-rich. It’s tragic, really. If they knew and understood, there’d be an uprising, maybe even a revolution. But they don’t; and, so, they’re just confused and apathetic. The propaganda can achieve that, and does.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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