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Is this the most important, implications-packed, news-report that has never been reported by U.S. ‘news’-media?

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Date: Friday, 06 September 2024

Is this the most important, implications-packed, news-report that has never been reported by U.S. ‘news’-media?

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

Every time I see this 25 July 2024 interview with the NSA’s retired chief of technology, Bill Binney, I see new implications in it (especially about America’s Government and media). If you haven’t seen it yet (it was originally posted on July 25th), I think your head will be spinning about it, too.

I asked Binney about where things stand now in the many court cases he has brought in order to bring his charges before the laws so that these charges can be investigated as possibly major criminal violations. His answer is:

I was not allowed by the judges in any of those cases to testify. Nor did any investigations (Mueller, house and senate intel and judiciary committees) call me to testify. I would add that Pompeo said he wanted me to talk to both NSA and FBI, but that did not happen either. This is how you can continue to claim plausible deniability.

(NOTE: I disagree with Binney about some things that are outside his specialty-area, but have never seen any criticisms of his work within his specialty-area — such as this — that he hasn’t replied to and very effectively put down. Clearly, America’s Deep State have been using dirty tactics to keep him out of all of the major and most of the ‘alternative’ media. I wecome here any reader-comments, pro and/or con, regarding his specific allegations in this interview.)

So, I hope that you’ll give a look at that youtube.

I then wrote to Binney:

I’ve been thinking about your case, and it raises in my mind a question about: Which government, America's or Russia’s, is more of a police-state than the other. The Pavel Durov matter is much in the news, so I Wiikipedia’d him and read:

“On 16 April 2014, Durov publicly refused to hand over the personal data of Ukrainian protesters to Russia's security agencies and to block Alexei Navalny's page on VK.[24] Instead, he posted the relevant orders on his own VK page,[25][26] claiming that the requests were unlawful.

“On 21 April 2014, Durov was dismissed as CEO of VK. The company claimed it was acting on his letter of resignation a month earlier that he failed to recall.[24][27] Durov then claimed the company had been effectively taken over by Vladimir Putin's allies.[27]"

Doesn’t this indicate that America is more of a police-state than Russia, because in America, the Government has no need to get social-media data from the companies, because our Government already has all of it?

Or am I wrong about this?

He wrote back:

The former head of the Stasi, which was East Germany's secret police force, betrayed a fair bit of envy about the powers enjoyed by his former Cold War nemesis in the aftermath of revelations about the extent of the National Security Agency's surveillance powers. “You know, for us, this would have been a dream come true,” he said in a wide-ranging interview with McClatchy.

It's worse than you think!

To that, I responded:

But the McClatchy article you linked to blames Obama as having started this (“the magnitude of domestic spying in the United States under the Obama administration”), and yet wasn’t George W. Bush the President who actually set up this system — the PRISM system? It’s bipartisan, the U.S. police-state is, don’t you think? You say “It’s worse than you think!” but apparently it’s even worse than that McClatchy reporter thought, too — isn’t this true? Or do I have that right?

He replied:

You have it right.  Bush, Cheney, Hayden and Tenet started the spying program in Sep 2001.  But, it was planned earlier by going to the CEO of Qwest Communications Joe Nacchio. In Feb 2001 (before 9/11), NSA approached him and asked him to give all his company data (including US citizens) to them.  He said he would when they gave him a warrant signed by a judge.  Instead, they framed him and put him in jail for 5 years.  I talked to him about this as they tried the same stunt with us.  So, he became the poster boy for all companies - do as we ask or you go to jail.  But, since I knew these criminals, I had assembled clear evidence of malicious prosecution by DOJ and threatened them with that - after telling them exactly what evidence I had on them of course.  Later, in 2003, they tested the waters (congress, judiciary and public) by exposing a proposed program called TIA (Total Information Awareness) headed by Poindexter.  The reaction to this proposal was immediate and strong so they canceled it.  What they did not say is that they were already doing this program (Stellar Wind) in NSA.  Obama made it much bigger and expanded it to every person on the planet.  The PRISM system is publicly known (by congress too) but it's a charade that is acceptable to courts etc.  But, the real driver of the Stellar Wind and world wide program of data collection and storage is EO 12333, and congress/courts have no oversite of this.  Whereas, FBI/DEA/IRS/DHS + use this data to arrest US people for common crimes and they give access to the 5 eyes countries plus (my estimate) at least 9 other countries for these and other purposes.

So, when the billionaires’ press harangue against Russia’s censorship (and other anti-democracy methods) in Russia and against censorship in other countries that America’s billionaires haven’t yet grabbed control over, they’re like a black pot calling a gray kettle “black.” (But, anyway: Russia has an authentic excuse for censorship regarding Ukraine, because the U.S. regime took over Russia’s nearest neighbor Ukraine to use as a base from which to invade Russia; so, that’s an urgent national-security matter for Russians; whereas, the U.S. regime is blatant and pure aggression, and leads the world in censorship, imprisonment, and most other police-state matters — and the Pavel Durov case is France acting on behalf of the U.S. regime against Russia. Furthermore: Russia did have an authentic national-security need for intelligence about the individuals who had assisted America’s 2014 coup in Ukraine. Durov should have complied with that national-security need. If Russia had thrown him in prison for a while, doing this would have been justified. But it didn’t do that. Russia is more of a democracy than America is. And even East Germany’s Stasi had nothing as extreme as what Binney has been trying to report about the U.S. regime. Today’ U.S. regime is actually more like Hitler’s was — hyper-imperialistic. But it is lots more hypocritical than Hitler’s was.)

Every time the U.S. regime and its media condemn ‘authoritarianism’ or ‘dictatorship’ in countries it wants to regime-change, the country that actually needs regime-change the most is the U.S. itself.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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