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America’s fascist party is the Republicans and the Democrats.

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Date: Wednesday, 25 September 2024

America’s fascist party is the Republicans and the Democrats.

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

Both of America’s political Parties now are controlled by their megadonors — basically by the billionaires — NOT by the voters; and, so, the U.S. Government represents ONLY the nation’s super-rich: it is an aristocracy instead of a democracy. An example from today’s news will be presented here that shows how this system, which used to be called “feudalism” but then became called “fascism” in the modern era, functions in today’s America — and not only as fascism (such as in Franco’s Spain) but as the worst form of it, imperialistic fascism (such as in Hitler’s Germany): 

On September 25th, the “Moon of Alabama” (MoA) blogger — who is one of the most reliable (honest and trustworthy) journalists about international affairs — headlined “How Political Corruption Allows Antony Blinken To Break The Law”, and he documented that the U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken had committed perjury to Congress when the Secretary of State told Congress, on 10 May 2024, “We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of U.S. humanitarian assistance.” Just on 24 September 2024, ProPublica has pointed out, about this, that:

Prior to his report, USAID had sent Blinken a detailed 17-page memo on Israel’s conduct. The memo described instances of Israeli interference with aid efforts, including killing aid workers, razing agricultural structures, bombing ambulances and hospitals, sitting on supply depots and routinely turning away trucks full of food and medicine. …

Separately, the head of the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration had also determined that Israel was blocking humanitarian aid and that the Foreign Assistance Act should be triggered to freeze almost $830 million in taxpayer dollars earmarked for weapons and bombs to Israel.

Despite Blinken’s having been told this (even by his own subordinates in the State Department), he said the exact opposite to Congress, on 10 May 2024, at page 32 in his written “Report to Congress under Section 2 of the National Security Memorandum on Safeguards and Accountability with Respect to Transferred Defense Articles and Defense Services (NSM-20)”: “We do not currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of U.S. humanitarian assistance.” He did not say “I do not currently assess”; he said “We do not currently assess,” and this “we” is falsely implicating his entire Department — and even USAID, which is an independent agency (not part of the State Department, but advising the State Department and therefore indirectly included in Blinken’s “we”) of the U.S. Government; so, Blinken’s assertion was unequivocally a lie to Congress. The MoA blogger noted this, and said:

This case should be sufficient for Congress to open an inquiry and to demand under oath witness statements from Blinken and others involved in the affair. It could be a great instrument during the current election campaign to damage the position of Democratic candidates.

However that is unlikely to happen.

Unfortunately Blinken lied to Congress about Israeli war crimes because he knew that he would get away with it.

The uni-state, the foreign policy conglomerate which resides in both parties and the bureaucracy, will not allow that U.S. war-crimes or those of its associated forces will ever be prosecuted. The Bush administration did get away with lying about weapons of mass destruction. The CIA and the Pentagon got away with torturing hundreds [it has actually been millions] of innocent people.

Would the Republicans prosecute Blinken as they should, they would have to break with their own support and commitment to Zionist supremacy. With their own candidate's campaign depending on donations from Zionist billionaires, there is no chance that the Republicans will break away from their previous policies.

The will of the people, as enacted in laws, gets ignored. 

He is describing aristocratic government — fascist government — NOT any authentic democracy (which represents the public, instead of the aristocracy).

MoA there is not condemning only the Democratic Party (whose billionaires’ governmental officials such as Blinken represent), nor only the Republican Party (whose billionaires’ governmental officials such as Trump represent), but the entirety of U.S. Government: all of the U.S. Government’s top-level decision-makers. MoA is blaming America’s Deep State, which can break the U.S. Government’s laws with impunity, even when (as in this instance) partisan political advantage might be gained by placing one or another of the opposite team of billionaires’ governmental officials into prison for breaking the laws that that person is oath-bound to carry out instead of to violate. On their barbarism, they are united, like Mussolini’s “fasces.”

So: this is a good example of America’s being a two-Party fascist regime, which is actually two halves of a uni-party dictatorship by billionaires and their agents, for and against each other, but uniformly against the public.

On September 24th, I headlined “The U.S. Government’s Viciousness & Hypocrisy (Ecuador’s Experience)” and described, in depth, how this fascist regime is destroying the world — what its methods are. However, in the case specifically of Blinken’s written report to Congress on May 10th, the viciousness of this regime is clear simply from the fact that, on 30 May 2024, Reuters headlined “US State Department official resigns, says US report on Gaza inaccurate” and reported:

A U.S. State Department official who quit this week said on Thursday her resignation was precipitated by an administration report to Congress that she said falsely stated Israel was not blocking humanitarian aid to Gaza, prompting her to resign in protest of President Joe Biden's Israel policy.

Stacy Gilbert, who served in the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, was a subject matter expert working on the report.

"There is so clearly a right and wrong, and what is in that report is wrong," Gilbert said in an interview.

The United Nations and aid groups have long complained of the dangers and obstacles to getting aid in and distributing it throughout Gaza.

As the Palestinian death toll in Gaza has exceeded 36,000 and a humanitarian crisis has engulfed the enclave, human rights groups and other critics have faulted the U.S. for providing weapons to Israel and largely defending Israel's conduct.

The State Department submitted the 46-page unclassified report earlier this month to Congress as required under a new National Security Memorandum that Biden issued in early February.

Among other conclusions, the report said that in the period after Oct. 7 Israel “did not fully cooperate” with U.S. and other efforts to get humanitarian aid into Gaza.

But it said this did not amount to a breach of a U.S law that blocks the provision of arms to countries that restrict U.S. humanitarian aid.

Gilbert, who worked for the State Department for over 20 years, said she notified her office the day the State Department report was released that she would resign. Her last day was Tuesday.

So, this news-story about Congress’s bipartisan refusal to charge and convict Blinken for having lied to Congress shows ALSO that at lower levels within the U.S. Government, are decent and courageous authentic democrats, but that they cannot remain in this Government’s employ without participating in its crimes, such as, now, genocide by Israeli troops and U.S.-donated armaments to carry it out. 

What America’s billionaires most directly gain from this barbarism is the enormous profitability of their armaments-production firms, which consequently are the leader in the stock-market’s gains.

This is called “capitalism,” but what it really is, is the most vicious form of fascism. Mussolini also even called his version of it “corporationism”. His too was imperialistic, but Hitler’s was aiming to take over the entire world, and that is the version of it that America now has.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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