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How America Got Such an Evil Government

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Date: Wednesday, 29 January 2025

How America Got Such an Evil Government

28 January 2025, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)

Practically everyone knows that today’s U.S. has an evil Government. For example, by now, almost everyone recognizes that the U.S./UK invasion and destruction of Iraq that started on 20 March 2003, was based totally on lies that were pushed by George W. Bush and Tony Blair, who knew, at the time, that their evidences to justify the invasion were all fakes but pushed them through to their immensely destructive end. So, it was unmitigated evil. And almost everyone also now recognizes that there is going on in Gaza ever since 16 October 2023 an ethnic cleansing to get rid of all of its 2.3 million residents, and that Israel provides the troops for it while the U.S. Government — U.S. taxpayers — are donating almost all of the weapons and ammunitions to enable it to be done; and, of course, this also is unmitigated evil. And those are just two of a great many examples.

So, how did it all actually start?

There is much talk about America being ruled not by its elected officials but by a “permanent government” or “Deep State,” which stands in the background off-stage, behind them. Who are these people, and when did they take over the country?

There are, by now, scientific studies that have answered this question, and all of them point to America’s being ruled by the megadonors to America’s political campaigns, these being the individuals who are so enormously wealthy that they control not only America’s armaments manufacturers, and news media, and think tanks, and hi-tech industries, and energy corporations, but, also control America’s elected Government officials by means not only of donating more than half of America’s political campaign funding, but also of their controlling the constantly revolving door between Government service and these billionaires’ corporations both profit and ‘non’-profit — including at think tanks, boards of directors, university trustees, lobbying organizations, etcetera. In short, America’s approximately 1,000 billionaires hire and fire, and otherwise control, America’s entire Establishment, including all high Govenment U.S. officials.

Mussolini first propounded this — public-private partnerships, and the privatization of governmental functions — as being not only “fascism” but synonymously “corporationism”, which it is, and the U.S. Government leads it worldwide. Here, then, is how it started to take over the U.S. Government:

The first part of this presentation is the following 28-minute video:

“THE HISTORY OF THE CIA: Operation Sunrise and the Plan for a New Europe [pt. 2]”

It 100% accurately summarizes how Wild Bill Donovan and his subordinate at FDR’s OSS prior to it becoming totally Nazified under Truman’s 1947-created CIA, Allen Dulles, started protecting even prior to the end of WW2 Hitler’s anti-Soviet Intelligence Chief Reinhard Gehlen while keeping this fact hidden from FDR. Starting at 5:17 it says:


The Gehlen case illustrates


the clear revolving door between the Nazi party


and the future framework of Western European security.


I want to highlight


the saving of Reinhard Gehlen here [not only]


to introduce this character


as he will be recurring throughout this series


but also to show the background of the stay-behind [secret Nazi agents in eastern Europe] networks


that would form the backbone of Operation Gladio.


As is so often the case in early CIA history,


Allen Dulles was the architect of this plan.

Part Two: Shell Game


Allen Dulles shared Gehlen's aspiration


for a separate peace with Nazi Germany [i.e., for Germany to be split in two after WW2 — a Soviet half and an anti-Soviet half]


and would do everything in his power to reach that goal.


these actions [by Dulles] were highly treasonous,


as FDR had promised Stalin [who wasn’t able to be in attendance] at Casablanca


that he would not sign a separate peace with Germany,


and would follow the Soviet policy of [demanding of Germany] unconditional [and single] surrender [which Truman and General Eisenhower ALSO and likewise violated].


Dulles's moves to secure a post-war Reich


were potentially explosive


to the alliance between Russia and the United States,


which ended up winning the Second World War.


This, however, did not deter Dulles from moving forward with that plan [the Cold War].


Dulles worked closely in Bern with international banker


Thomas McKittrick, of the bank of International Settlements, or BIS for short.


BIS had been founded in the 1920s


to ensure that dispersements of reparation


payments from Germany to the Allied powers


following World War 1 and the Treaty of Versailles.


By the 1930s, however,


BIS had been fully integrated into the Nazi financial system.


Five BIS board members were card carrying Nazis in 1940,


and the bank was used to store stolen gold, art and Nazi profits,


much of which had been stolen from Holocaust victims.


In response, the Roosevelt administration had implemented a policy


called Operation Safe Haven


that seeked to confiscate Nazi assets from banks around the world.


The fear was that these Nazi assets would allow


the German elite to bide their time after the war


and potentially


regain control for the Reich at a later date,


using these slush funds to fund their rise.


This policy directly impacted the Dulles brothers,


as two of their major German clients at Sullivan & Cromwell — IG Farben and Merck,


the German pharmaceutical giant,


had funds stored in BIS


from their war profiteering in Nazi Germany.


Both Allen and [John] Foster Dulles, forever helpful to their clients,


would see that BIS funds would remain with their Nazi clients


until the end of the war.


Foster Dulles,


the Sullivan and Cromwell law partner and Allen Dulles's brother,


created an intricate network of shell companies


that would shuffle BIS funds


in a dizzying and complex series of transactions


this essentially worked to launder the dirty Nazi dollars.


Allen Dulles, the OSS agent in Switzerland,


then worked to destroy


all paper records of these transactions,


essentially shielding his brother Foster from any investigations.


He was well placed for this as well.


The headquarters of BIS was in Bern.


Some of these assets would never be recovered,


ending up in the hands of fascists across Europe.


Much of this funding was unaccountable


and likely aided in building the underground far-right networks


that developed across Europe during the Cold War.


Now, there's a couple of key takeaways here:


firstly, Allen and John Foster Dulles


were beginning to display their cunning efficiency


when they work together as a team, [such as]


the Dulles’ circumventing of FDR's Operation Safe Haven


foreshadows the brothers future work that


they would undertake


as CIA director


and secretary of state in the Eisenhower administration


in the 1950s.


Together, this team


would lead Eisenhower's foreign policy apparatus,


conducting some of the most blatant


and illegal acts in American intelligence history.


The acts undertaken by the Dulles-Eisenhower team


would also cement the CIA


as a ruthlessly efficient organization that gets results


no matter the cost


or the morality of the action.


The second element to note


is John Foster Dulles's use of shell companies


to circumvent financial oversight.


Shell companies are fake corporations created


usually by intelligence agencies or organized crime elements


to mask illegal financial transactions.


Shell companies will play a central role in the CIA's


future operations, especially when drug smuggling


or organized crime elements are involved.


I think it's interesting to see this strategy used so early


by the elder Dulles brothers,


but also just as a side note


the use of shell companies is part of the reason


why learning this history is so difficult.


Following financial transactions is


both tedious and difficult


because of how complex these transactions can become.


So, when we get to more complex topics


such as Iran Contra


or the French Connection,


we're gonna see that shell companies play a large role


and purposely obfuscate the public's knowledge


of these transactions


and of what these agencies are actually doing.

Part Three: Ghosts of Nuremberg


Some of Dulles's most treasonous


and morally reprehensible acts during the war


were his concerted


efforts to save Nazi war criminals from justice


at Nuremberg.


The big three Allied leaders FDR, Churchill and Stalin


had warned the Nazis that their war criminals


would be punished to the full extent of the law.


When the war came to a close, Churchill and Roosevelt


even proposed taking matters into their own hands


and personally shooting


the 50 to 100 major Nazi war criminals on their list.


It was actually Stalin, the man of steel himself,


that recommended they hold a trial


to give their punishments legitimacy. [His proposal might even be said to have started what we today call “international law,” though Stain had no idea of any such thing.]


The site they chose was Nuremberg,


the German city that had once been


the chosen location of Leni Reifenstahkl’s monumentous


Nazi propaganda film "Triumph of Will"


which featured endless crowds of adoring Germans


cheering on the Fuhrer himself.


Whereas FDR was constantly questioning everything and everyone, and digging to verify what he was being told, Truman, who became President at his death on 12 April 1945, was driven by his prejudices and so was easily manipulated by those he chose to be around him (people who shared at least some of his prejudices). The crucial date when Truman made the final decision to start the Cold War against the Soviet Union, for America to ultimately conquer and rule over it, was 25 July 1945, and he did it because he was convinced by the view that both Churchill and General Eisenhower shared, that if the U.S. won’t take over the world, the Soviet Union would. On at least Churchill’s part, this view resulted from his having been an acolyte and follower of Cecil Rhodes

Truman’s Rhodesist U.S. empire was also brilliantly documented in what is perhaps the greatest documentary that the BBC ever did, back in 1992, before the U.S. Government had publicly committed itself to breaking its vows to Gorbachev and to never expand NATO if the Soviet Union would end, to break them by seeking every nation bordering Russia to join America’s anti-Russian military Alliance NATO. Here is that BBC documentary:

“Operation Gladio - Full 1992 documentary BBC”

It interviews many proud Nazis and Fascists who had participated in “false flag” operations in Europe that had been set up by the U.S. CIA and sometimes the Gehlen organization, in order to be blamed on the Soviet Union, so as to persuade the public to fear the “Red Terror” instead of the U.S. Government, and so to ally with the U.S. and vote for its local stooges. Here, the criminals — these foreign U.S.-empire agents — describe how they perpetrated their crimes.

The masterpiece book by the great investigative historian Frank Costigiola, his 2012 Roosevelt’s Lost Alliances (that were lost because of Truman), opens its Introduction:

Of all the many books on Allied diplomacy in World War II, Robert E. Sherwood’s magisterial Roosevelt and Hopkins remains unequaled.1 Published in 1948, the 962-page tome draws on Sherwood’s insider status as a Roosevelt speechwriter and on his discussions with the historical actors. Sherwood was forbidden, however, to use his most explosive interview, the one that assigned blame for the breakup of the Grand Alliance. The interviewee was Anthony Eden, Winston S. Churchill’s foreign secretary. In wartime negotiations the top diplomat had loyally supported his chief even when the latter tangled with Franklin D. Roosevelt. Eden stood next in line for prime minster should the Conservatives win the next election. He understood that postwar Britain depended on Washington, where Harry S. Truman served as president. Nevertheless, by August 1946 this habitually restrained aristocrat was so disturbed by the deterioration in relations with Moscow since Roosevelt’s death in April 1945 that he let loose. In lamenting the loss of Roosevelt, Eden criticized Churchill and Truman in ways that, if made public, could have crippled his future career. After venting, he insisted on keeping the interview secret. And so it long remained. 

To Sherwood, Eden “stated flatly that the deplorable turning point in the whole relationship of the Western Allies with the Soviet Union was caused directly by the death of Roosevelt.” The former foreign secretary seemed moved himself as he detailed the emotional valence of FDR’s relationship with the Russians. “He spoke at length and with great conviction of the extraordinary ability of Roosevelt to handle the Russian situation and of the overwhelming respect which the Russians had for the President.” Decades of practicing realpolitik had attuned Eden to intangibles, such as personality and respect. The Russians’ “respect” for Roosevelt “was for the man himself rather than for the high and powerful position that he held.” Eden understood that manner and nuance could tip the balance between success and failure. He was blunt about how Roosevelt differed from others who had dealt with the Russians. “Eden spoke of Roosevelt’s infinite subtlety and contrasted him in this respect with Churchill and Truman.” Particularly at a critical juncture in history, such as 1945, emotional and personal dynamics could tilt the weightiest matters of international politics. As Eden put it, “had Roosevelt lived and retained his health he would never have permitted the present situation to develop.” A professional in the precise measurement of words, he offered a stunning final judgment: Roosevelt’s “death, therefore, was a calamity of immeasurable proportions.”2 Roosevelt’s Lost Alliances reaches a similar conclusion. 

Roosevelt’s death weakened, perhaps fatally, the prospects for avoiding or at least mitigating the Cold War. FDR was critical to the founding of the Grand Alliance and to keeping it together. He intended the coalition to continue into the postwar era, as did Joseph Stalin.

In my 16 March 2023 “The Transformative Present Moment in History”, I described the stark contrast between FDR’s and Truman’s vision for the post-WW2 world: FDR’s for international law to come from a global democratic federal republic of nations to be called “the United Nations” and to concern ONLY international and NO inranational laws and to be enforced BY that “U.N.” and no other entity, versus Truman’s for international rules to come from the globally universal U.S. dictatorship over all other nations and to be concerned not ONLY with international but also with intranational matters, and to be policed globally by the U.S. military. Of course, we got the latter. I think that if Putin were really a deep person, he would stop talking ONLY about his vision for Russia, and start talking ALSO about his vision for changing the U.N. to transform it into FDR’s anti-imperialistic vision and to end its subordination to the U.S. global dictatorship. Especially with Trump (who is so obviously anti-FDR, pro-Truman), now the U.S. President, and all of the scary imperialistic threats that he is now issuing, Putin would find a predominant groundswell of global support even at today’s U.N., in favor of transforming that institution into what America’s greatest President, FDR, had been intending it to be.

Never yet has there been a better time to go back to FDR. If it won’t be done now, will it be done ever?

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding — what the ‘news’-media ignore if they can, and deny if they must. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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