On 24, January 2010, Eritreans residing in Norway gathered on Plaza Hotel in Oslo to discuss the unjust sanction imposed on Eritrea by UNSC under resolution 1907 (2009).
Delegates from Trondheim, Stavanger, Kristiansand and Bergen were among the more than 300 participants who deliberated the resolution. Chairman of Hizbawi mekete Oslo Mr. Yemane Haile gave a brief description about the content of the meeting and later on invited the distinguished and intellect Professor Gideon Abay Asmerom to elaborate the subject matter of the sanction cases.
Professor Gideon Abay Asmerom, elaborated the meaning and intentions of the sanction and urged participants to be vigilant for the evil actions of the perpetrators.
Finally, the audience exposed the misdeeds of USA against Eritrea and
determined to take actions by declaring its manifestation on defiance to the UNSC resolutions and standing firmly to support the people and government of Eritrea.
The resolutions passed by the participants read as follows.
1. We condemn, on strong terms, the decision 1907 (2003) issued on behalf of
UNSC, sanctioning Eritrea.
2. We request UNSC to annualizing and lift up this irresponsible, unjust
3. To rein peace and security in Horn of Africa UNSC shall first and utmost
see to that of the decision of EEBC shall be exercised on ground immediately
and bear its responsibility on its implementation. We strongly demand to
evacuate the Ethiopian army, at once, from the occupied Eritrean territories.
4. Our country Eritrea has disguisedly been under threat to undermine its
developmental programs and continually is blackmailed. To overcome and win
this treat we are determined to stand on the side to the people and
government of Eritrea. To date, as always, we all patriotic Eritreans are
determined to fulfill our responsibilities to stand on parry.
We remember our martyrs!
Victory to the masses
Hizbawi mekete Norway