By Tesfamicael Yohannes
History on its ugly terms unfolds on Eritrea when the super power USA aligns its strategic interest and the existence of Eritreans as two faces of one coin. In the early 1950’s USA promoted its strategic interest in Red sea by handing over the destiny of Eritreans to its ally Ethiopia. That was the ugly history on the relationship USA had with Eritrea. The second ugly history is when USA in December 2009 imposed sanctions on Eritrea. Indeed very ugly history.
Eritreans had not then and do not now but to resist this ugly history by
waging Mekte (Parry). Eritreans did say then and say now NEVER KNEEL DOWN.
USA gives home work to Eritreans to learn life on earth the bitter way of
living. The 30 years of struggle for independence as the first home work and now the 10 years of struggle to build a nation. Based on these facts and to do the home work on December 2007 the first committee of Hizbawi mekte in Oslo established.
The first committee of Hizbawi mekte in Oslo served for three years and on
December 2010 transferred its tasks to the second committee of Hizbawi Mekte. This happened on 12 December 2010 at Plaza Hotel in central Oslo, Norway. The first committee of Hizbawi mekete presented detailed, smart and very fascinating concluding report. At the same time it wedged an elaborated and smart way of electing the second committee of the Hizbawi mekte. It was a wonder to watch when the event was happened in smooth and with out pain transfer of responsibility from the first committee of Hizbawi mekte to the second committee of Hizbawi Mekte in Oslo.
Hizbawi Mekete in Oslo conducted its task during the 3 years work by electing a chairman, secretary, treasury, and 4 departments. The departments were Lobby and opposition, News and information’s, Eritrean identity and economy. All the departments completed their tasks with success.
Now the first committee handed over to the second committee with abundant experiences and solid foundation to accomplish its task for the next home work. The web site admires the first committee of Hizbawi Mekte in Oslo and wishes success to the second committee of Hizbawi Mekete in Oslo. As usual is going to stand by the side of the second committee of Hizbawi Mekete in Oslo.
God bless Eritrea
Tesfamicael Yohannes
Oslo, Norway