
Islamic movements | Kashmiri kitchens

Posted by: The Conversation Global

Date: Wednesday, 21 August 2019


Editor's note

In Egypt and Turkey, Islamic movements have struggled to survive in authoritarian regimes that exert strong control over religious practice. Egypt’s autocratic presidents keep mosques and Al-Azhar, a leading educational institute of Sunni Islam, under their thumb. And in Turkey, a government agency called the Diyanet oversees religious affairs and defines for the Turkish people what “correct Islam” is. Ahmet T. Kuru explains how these political conditions have given the Muslim Brothers in Egypt and the Gulenists in Turkey a well-founded fear of persecution.

Over the last few weeks, many stories have been published about what’s happening in Kashmir. Today, we have a very personal article by critical anthropologist and former humanitarian worker Omer Aijazi about his research in the region and how he learned a lot by spending time in Kashmiri kitchens.

Catesby Holmes

Global Affairs Editor

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