
(Elbalad) President Isaias Afwerki on working visit to Egypt

Posted by: Semere Asmelash

Date: Monday, 06 July 2020

President Isaias Afwerki on working visit to Egypt

President Isaias Afwerki left for Saudi Arabia in the afternoon hours of today, 15 September.

5 visits in 6 years ... The President of Eritrea Arrives in Cairo, Sunday 

06 / July 2020 -

It was not his first visit, as Egypt is always the kiss of the Africans, from which the development talks begin, reaching out to its siblings does not spare any effort for the advancement of citizens, so was Cairo for the Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki the Eritrean President who is visiting Egypt for the fifth time where the President is scheduled to meet Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi The Afewerki talks in Cairo address the bilateral relations between the two countries and a number of regional issues and efforts for peace and stability in the Horn of Africa.

Distinguishing relations between Egypt and Eritrea was not the result of the moment, but history is a testament to the strength and durability of these relations, which is reflected in the visits of the Eritrean president, where in the context of the next report we monitor Afewerki's visits to Cairo.

The first visit of the Eritrean President was on September 9, 2014, when Egypt received Afewerki at the head of a delegation that included Osman Saleh, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Yamani Gabriab, Adviser to the Eritrean President, and Secretary Amin Hassan, Secretary of the Eritrean President for Information.

President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi praised the Eritrean position in support of the June 30 revolution, which was evident during the African Union, especially in the African Peace and Security Council. The two sides reviewed developments in the African continent, especially the files of combating terrorism, extremist ideology and piracy.

As for the second visit by Isaias Afwerki, the President of Eritrea to Egypt, on November 29, 2016, as usual, President Al-Sisi received his Eritrean counterpart, and the meeting discussed ways of enhancing bilateral relations in various fields, at which time it was agreed to exchange the visits of delegations with a view to identifying areas in which cooperation will be developed and implementation Joint projects, in preparation for holding the joint committee between the two countries.

In January 2018, President Afewerki made his third visit to Egypt, and was received by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, and the meeting dealt with ways of strengthening relations between the two countries in various development and security fields.

President Al-Sisi and his Eritrean counterpart agreed to exchange delegations ’visits with a view to activating the existing cooperation frameworks and implementing joint projects. The two presidents also discussed all regional developments and developments, as the two sides agreed to continue intensive coordination between them regarding all issues related to the current regional situation in an effort to strengthen security and stability in the region.

As for the fourth visit, it was on June 8, 2019, when Isaias Afwerki came to Cairo to move forward with specific plans to develop cooperation projects between Egypt and Eritrea in various sectors and overcome all obstacles in this regard, especially in the sectors of infrastructure, electricity, health, trade, investment, agriculture and livestock. And fisheries.

Regarding the Egyptian role, President Afewerki said that Eritrea is looking to intensify cooperation with Egypt in various fields, stressing Egypt's position in order to achieve stability in the Horn of Africa

(Software translation)

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