
Finding ‘News’-Truth via Conflicting Propagandsties

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Date: Monday, 03 March 2025

Finding ‘News’-Truth via Conflicting Propagandsties

2 March 2025, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)

A propagandisty isn’t merely a propagandist, but an entire system or regime of them — both a Government and its media and ‘non-profit’ stooges — that mixes facts with fictions in such a way as to advance the agendas of the few individuals who actually (by means of their extreme wealth) control (hire and fire) that regime and all of its stooges.

There are conflicting propagandisties, because there are conflicting regimes. The public are presented with conflicting sets of lies, because there are conflicting nations. Not everyone believes the same set of lies; different sets of lies exist.

For example, until recently, the regime in Ukraine, which had been installed by the U.S. regime in February 2014 by America’s coup replacing the democratically elected Ukrainian Government and thus starting the war in Ukraine, between the areas that had voted heavily for the then-overthrown President versus the areas that had voted heavily against himboth the U.S.-installed Ukrainian regime, and the U.S. regime that had installed it — were part of only ONE propagandisty: which was the U.S. regime. Ukraine during 2014-2024 was a U.S. colony. But now, after the clash on 28 February 2025 between the U.S. regime and the Ukrainian regime, Zelensky versus Trump at the White House, these have suddenly become TWO propagandisties; and here is how both regimes are now reporting on this split between them:

First of all, we need to understand how this split happened to occur. Here is the video, from Fox News in Minneapolis, dated February 28th, showing the complete and historic 50-minute February 28th joint press conference by Zelensky and Trump, so that you can actually SEE AND HEAR it happening:

“Trump-Zelenskyy meeting filled with tense moments [FULL MEETING]”

If you will view 23:10 there, you will see that thus far into the event, Trump and Zelensky were getting along very well together; and, at that point, Trump pats Zelensky on the back. Then, at 23:50, Trump interjected “He [Putin] never broke [his word] to me,” after Zelensky had alleged that Putin constantly lies. This was Trump’s first sign of disagreement with Zelensky. Zelensky continued up till 26:40 a rabid and undocumented condemnation (allegations ONLY — NO evidences [though he pulled out some photos and showed them to Trump, but what they really were photos of could have been fakes]) against Putin, and then a reporter simply interrupted with a question and then lots of other reporters also simultaneously shouted with their questions, and Trump didn’t enforce any order, and so things from then on were chaotic, until Zelensky at 26:50 broke in to continue his anti-Putin diatribe until 27:25, when another reporter shouted out a question and Trump pointed to him, signaling that he wanted to hear his question, and so Zelensky stopped, and Trump answered the question. Trump then continued taking and answering questions. At 35:45, V.P. J.D. Vance briefly answered a question, but otherwise it was only Trump who was taking and answering questions. Finally a questioner, from Poland, asked Trump why he “aligns” himself with Putin, and Trump answered



Well, if I didn't align myself with both of them [Zelensky and Putin] you’d never have a deal. You


want me to say, uh, really terrible things about Putin, and then say hi, Vladimir, how


are we doing on the deal? That doesn't work that way. I'm not aligned with Putin, I'm not aligned with anybody. I'm aligned


with the United States of America and for the good of the world. I'm aligned with the world and I want to get this


thing over with. You see the hatred he's got for Putin? It's very tough for me to make a deal with that kind of hatred. He's


got tremendous hatred, and I understand that, but I can tell you the other side isn't exactly in love with,


you know, him, either. Uh, so it's not a question of alignment. I have to, I'm


aligned with the world. I want to get the thing set. I'm aligned with Europe. I want to see if we can get this


thing done. You want me to be tough. I could be tougher than any human being you've ever seen. I'd be so tough, but


you're never going to get a deal that way, so that's the way it goes. All right, one more question. VANCE: I want to respond to this. [Trump looks at him approvingly.] So,


look, for four years in the United States of America we had a president who stood up at press conferences and talked tough


about Vladimir Putin and then Putin invaded Ukraine and destroyed a significant chunk of the country. The


path to peace and the path to prosperity is maybe engaging in diplomacy. We tried


the pathway of Joe Biden of thumping our chest and pretending that the president of the United States’s's words mattered


more than the president of the United States's actions. What makes America a good country is America engaging in


diplomacy. That's what president Trump is doing. ZELENSKY [coming in on the side of the Polish questioner, against Trump}: Can I ask you? VANCE: Sure, yeah, yeah. ZELENSKY: Okay.


So, he occupied uh our parts, big parts, of Ukraine, part of East and Crimea; uh, so he


occupied it in 2014. So, during a lot of years — so I'm not


speaking about just Biden but those time was Obama then President Obama then


president Trump then President Biden now the president Trump and God bless now president Trump will stop him, but during


2014 nobody stopped him, he just occupied and took, he killed people. You know what


the contact are TRUMP interjects: 2015. [He’s referring to Minsk #1, which was the agreement on 12 February 2015, which the Ukrainian side — all three Western participants — later acknowldeged they never had had any actual intention to comply with.] ZELENSKY: 2014 and 2015, 2014. TRUMP: Yeah, yeah, so,


I was not here. ZELENSKY: Yeah, exactly, right, yes, but during 2014 till


2022, yeah, the was the situation the same that people are been dying on the


contact line, nobody stopped him, you know that we had conversations with him a lot


of conversation multilateral conversations, and we signed with him, me, like a new president in 2019, I signed


with him the deal, I signed with him Macron and Merkel [Minsk 2]  we signed ceasefire,


ceasefire, all of them told me that he will never go with signed him with gas


contract gas contract yes but after that he broke broken this his fire he killed


our people and he didn't exchange prisoners we signed the exchange of prisoners but he didn't do


it. What kind of diplomacy, JD [Vance] you are speaking about, what what you what you


what do you mean/ VANCE [responding to Zelensky’s challenge posed to him]: I'm talking about the kind of diplomacy that's going to end the destruction of your country, Mr


President. Mr President, with respect, I think it's disrespectful for you to come into the Oval Office and try to litigate this in front of the American Media



Vance objected to Zelensky’s propagandizing his lies to the American public on American television.

Typical viewer-comments posted to that youtube from Fox News were: 


J D Vance is the culprit who started the fight. He should never have been there.


To be honest - JD Vance was too aggressive in the meeting and that started the argumentation


JD Vance started it all.

However, Trump backed Vance up, there — didn’t at all back Zelensky up. And it was Trump, NOT Vance, who made the decision to kick Zelensky out of the White House. So, the conservative viewership at that youtube blamed Vance instead of Trump for Trump’s having thrown Zelensky out of the White House. And because these respondents to that Fox News youtube have until now been propagandized in the SAME way by both the U.S. and their Ukrainian regime, they DON’T blame Zelensky.

By contrast, the reader-comments at Democratic Party propaganda organs such as BuzzFeed and yahoo News, blame Trump passionately — but, again, don’t blame Zelensky at all (despite the profusion of falsehoods in his statements). For example, a BuzzFeed yahoo news March 1st article, “Celebrities Are Speaking Up After The Heated Exchange Between Trump, Vance, And Zelensky In The Oval Office” typically had responses such as these:

I am 76 and live thru the Nuclear scares, the Cuban Crisis, Vietnam, and the Cold War. The world is upside down. My country has stood for democracy throughout the world. Now we have a President who is cozying up to an enemy who has been trying to eliminate all we have  stood for since 1776.
What happened to the GOP to let this continue?
The GOP are taking the position that is convenient, to appease trump and their constituents. They are bought and sold . They protect their positions and power.
Broche ex spouse ward
You, rich actors need to do more than supporting Ukraine by words, you need to put money to support them. Your support with words is not enough, You earn a lot of money and you need to give some of it to support Ukraine. I am a retiree and don't have the money you have but if I had the amount of money you have, I will give some to support Ukraine. Do the right thing.

However, maybe if the Fox News viewers and the BuzzFeed readers knew the truth that has been hidden from them about Ukraine ever since 2014 (and that their shared hero Zelensky likewise hides), they would instead be blaming Zelensky himself (and Obama, and Biden, and Trump — but most of all Obama, the supreme liar-in-chief) for the collapse in the U.S. Government’s support for Zelensky and for what he actually stands for. (But, anyway, better that the lies end this way than by going all the way to a WW3.)

Daniel Davis, in a March 3rd 33-minute video — “EU's Warm Embrace of Zelensky - Plays Right into Putin's Hands” — explains what and why really happened in that February 28th joint press conference between Trump and Zelensky: Zelensky was trying, by means of propagandizing directly to the American people, to force Trump to change the deal that Zelensky had agreed-to with Trump, and Zelensky was hoping that Trump would feel that the easy way out (after all of these statements that had been made by Zelensky portraying Putin as plain evil, and which, through much of  the press conference Trump did not contest, would be for Trump to allow the pre-agreed deal to be modified so that Zelensky would get his way. When it became clear to Trump that this was what Zelensky was trying to do, Trump decided that the deal was off, and that Zelensky must be ditched by the U.S. — let the EU have him.

Democracies can’t exist if they have a systematically deceived population. Competing propagandisties cannot produce a democracy. Competing propagandisties cannot produce truth. No democracy can result from competing propagandisties.

PS: If you like this article, please email it to all your friends or otherwise let others know about it. None of the U.S.-and-allied ‘news’-media will likely publish it (nor link to it, since doing that might also hurt them with Google or etc.). I am not asking for money, but I am asking my readers to spread my articles far and wide, because I specialize in documenting what the Deep State is constantly hiding — what the ‘news’-media ignore if they can, and deny if they must. This is, in fact, today’s samizdat.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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