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(Embassy of the State of Eritrea in Addis Ababa) President Isaias received China’s Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa.

Posted by: Semere Asmelash

Date: Saturday, 17 September 2022

President Isaias received China’s Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa.


President Isaias Afwerki received, at the Denden Guest House yesterday evening, China's Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa, Ambassador Xue Bing, for extensive discussions on bilateral & regional issues.

President Isaias underlined at the meeting that the current visit will further consolidate the strategic ties between Eritrea & China at this auspicous juncture. The two sides also discussed modalities of deepening their bilateral cooperation in Eritrea's priority areas of development

Eritrea & China further agreed that development cooperation must be pursued within the framework of its regional linkages. Amb. Bing for his part stressed China's readiness to contribute towards regional efforts of conflict resolution and for sustainable peace and partnership.

Source: Yemane Ghebremeskel, Minister of Information. MOI Eritrea

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