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Riots at Eritrea event in Stuttgart – 10 police officers injured

Posted by: Semere Asmelash

Date: Saturday, 16 September 2023


Riots at Eritrea event in Stuttgart – 10 police officers injured

Eine Gruppe von Menschen wird nach Ausschreitungen bei einer Eritrea-Veranstaltung von Polizeikräften eingekesselt. Bis zu 200 Personen hätten Teilnehmer der Veranstaltung und Polizisten mit Steinen, Flaschen und Holzlatten angegriffen, teilte ein Polizeisprecher mit. Zehn Beamte seien verletzt worden.

Stuttgart-  A group of people are surrounded by police forces after riots at an Eritrean event

Around 200 people attacked participants in an Eritrea event and police officers in Stuttgart.

Riots broke out at an Eritrea event in Stuttgart. According to police, up to 200 people are said to have attacked officers. There were injuries.

Riots broke out in Stuttgart in connection with an Eritrea event. A police spokesman said on Saturday that up to 200 people attacked participants in the event and police officers with stones, bottles and wooden slats. Ten officers were injured. The number of other injuries is not yet known.

Stuttgart police requested reinforcements

200 people came together for an event organized by the Association of Eritrean Associations in Stuttgart and the surrounding area. The clubs sympathized with the government in Eritrea, the spokesman said. At lunchtime, several small groups gathered at Bad Cannstatt train station and Stuttgart main station. They then attacked the event participants at the Roman fort and threw bottles and stones at them. They also attacked the participants with wooden slats.

The police used batons and pepper spray against the attackers, said the spokesman. Forces were ordered from surrounding police headquarters and from the police headquarters and the federal police. Forces would also be flown in by helicopter. The situation at the Roman fort in Stuttgart is now under control, according to the police when asked by SWR. The police are asking residents to stay in their homes until the situation has been fully clarified.

The police called on onlookers to stay away from the event.

ERi-TV, Eritrea - ኣዴታት፡ ሰብ ሓዳርን፡ ኣደ ቆልዑን ተሳተፍቲ ሳዋ - Mothers who are participating at Eritrean National Service training center in Sawa

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