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Why Only Suckers Trust America’s Major Media Any Longer

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Date: Sunday, 27 August 2023

Why Only Suckers Trust America’s Major Media Any Longer

Eric Zuesse (blogs at

A typical example is Politico, which is owned by Germany’s Axel Springer, billionaires who back the marketing organization for U.S.-and-allied armaments-manufacturers: NATO. (These corporations sell virtually only to their own Government and to other Governments in NATO; so, they need to control their governments, which are their markets; and this means they need the voters in these ‘democracies’ to elect only politicians who back more spending on weapons for wars.) 

Wikipedia’s article on Politico includes:

Acquisition by Axel Springer [edit]

In October 2021, the large German publishing and media firm Axel Springer SE announced that it had completed the acquisition of Politico for over $1 billion. The closing took place in late October 2021.[75][76][77] The new owners said they would add staff, and at some point, put the publication's news content behind a paywall.[78][79][80]

Axel Springer's Chief Executive Mathias Döpfner said that Politico staff would need to adhere to Axel Springer's principles, including support for a united Europe, Israel's right to exist and a free-market economy, and that staff who disagree with the principles "should not work for Axel Springer, very clearly".[81] Axel Springer said that they would not require Politico employees to sign documents in support of a transatlantic alliance or Israel, though this policy is enforced at German newspaper Bild, another Axel Springer subsidiary.[82]

Here is Politico right now as this is written, on Sunday August 27th, and you can see there that the lead story, at the very top, is “What the History of Jesse Ventura and Jill Stein Means for Joe Biden: If Democrats anywhere would peel off for a third-party candidate, it might be in Minnesota.”

It’s 2,644 words long, the equivalent of 10 pages in an ordinary book; so, it’s a feature-length article — and yet it totally ignores that by far the highest net-approved of all candidates (or even likely or possible candidates) for America’s Presidency is and for months has been Robert F. Kennedy Jr, RFK Jr., at a net-favorability of +21%, and Joe Biden’s net-favorability is -14%. So: whereas a voting-contest between Trump versus Biden would be very close and certainly not yet at all predictable in its outcome (because they both have negative net-favorability ratings), a Trump versus RFK Jr. contest would easily place Kennedy into the White House. 

Right now, Trump’s net-favorability rating is -4%, which is 10% better than Biden’s -14%; and, so, if the final election were to be held today between them, Trump would almost certainly win — but RFK, whose net-favorability is 25% above Trump’s, would trounce Trump and win in a landslide which would bring in a heavily Democratic-Party-led Congress. And yet, RFK Jr. is ignored in the Politico article, which simply assumes that Biden will be the Democratic Party’s nominee.

RFK Jr. is strongly against continuing the war in Ukraine (he’s the only candidate in both Parties who is) — this war that has brought hundreds of billions of dollars of additional sales to NATO’s armaments-manufacturers; and, so their ‘news’-media are overwhelmingly campaigning against him and for Biden to win the Democratic Party’s nomination.

The lead article in today’s Politico is basically telling Democratic Party voters in each of America’s 50 states that if they vote for a third-party U.S. Presidential candidate instead of for Biden, then they will be voting only for a “spoiler” candidate who — like Ralph Nader did in the 2000 U.S. general election for the Presidency — will cause the Republican Party’s nominee (that was George W. Bush) to win. 

But there is another reason why voting for RFK Jr. instead of Biden in the primaries isn’t at all like having voted for Nader instead of Gore in 2000: Nader was running in the general election and not in any Democratic Party primary; and, so, he was running against both Gore and Bush, and NOT in an election which would determine whom would win the Democratic Party’s nomination. By contrast: RFK Jr. is running for the Democratic Party’s nomination. He is anything BUT a “spoiler” candidate. Yet Democratic Party and other neoconservative (i.e., Rhodesist) ‘news’-media pour contempt upon him.

At the present time in the U.S. Presidential contests, ONLY the Parties’ nominees are being chosen — NOT the winner in the general election. So: an intelligent Democrat at this stage knows that the issue is not choosing the President, but is instead choosing whom will represent the Party in the final contest against the Republican Party’s nominee (the general election). The billionaires who control Politico can’t accept a Trump v. RFK Jr. contest, but can accept a Trump v. Biden contest, because only RFK Jr. is a financial threat to them.

So: who owns Axel Springer? On 26 August 2019, Reuters headlined “KKR becomes Axel Springer's biggest shareholder”, and reported that, “KKR KKR.N has become the biggest shareholder of German media group Axel Springer SPRGn.DE, paying 2.9 billion euros ($3.2 billion) for a 43.54% stake, the U.S. private equity firm said.” That dwarfs any other shareholder or likely combination of shareholders: KKR controls Axel Springer. 

KKR is Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, which long has been controlled by Henry Kravis and George Roberts. Kravis’s wife is Marie-Josée Drouin Kravis; and some years she has been a Co-Chair of the Steering Committee of the group that controls NATO, which is the extremely private Bilderbergers, who meet annually to communicate with each other totally in private. Mathias Döpfner is a regular member of the Steering Committee, and he is the second-largest stockholder in Axel Springer and is the corporation’s CEO. In 2013, KKR hired former CIA Director David Petraeus as Chairman of its newely created Global Institute, and he also became a regular attendee at the Bilderberg meetings, along with Henry and Marie-Josée Drouin Kravis, as well as Mathias Döpfner, such as in 2014, but Petraeus is not listed as an attendee at the 2023 meeting. However, it did include many notables, such as Stacey Abrams, Paul M. Achleitner, Magdalena Andersson, Anne Applebaum, Jose Manuel Barroso, Ben van Beurden, Josep Borrell, Ana P. Botin, Albert Bourla, Borge Brende, Martin Brudermuller, Henry de Castries, Mette Fredericksen, Chrystia Freeland, Belen Garijo, Kenneth Griffin, Avril Haines, Alex Karp, Henry Kissinger, Dmytro Kuleba, Saana Marin, John Mickelthwait, Zanny Minton Beddoes, Satya Nadella, Gideon Rachman, Mark Rutte, John Sawers, Eric Schmidt, Radoslaw Sikorski, Jens Stoltenberg, and Peter Thiel. Many major corporate mergers and acquisitions are initiated at these meetings, and Governmental policies also are sometimes coordinated there. A typical attendee represents the interests of a number of billionaires, but some attendees represent only themselves. 


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s new book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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