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What Kamala Harris Said to Volodmyr Zelensky on September 26th

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Date: Saturday, 28 September 2024

What Kamala Harris Said to Volodmyr Zelensky on September 26th

Eric Zuesse, 27 September 2024

On September 26th, Ukraine’s leader Volodmyr Zelensky and America’s possibly next President Kamala Harris, held a brief conversation as a U.S. White House “briefing,” a category which differs from a White House “press conference” because none of the press are present at a “briefing,” no questions are taken, and no video of the event is released — consequently, only a transcript of this conversation has been released to the public. This transcript is headlined “Remarks by Vice President Harris and President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine Before Bilateral Meeting”. Its contents are very important for anyone who intends to vote in the U.S. Presidential election. Here are highlights, with added commentaries by me [in italics placed between brackets]:

VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS: This is our seventh visit together. And welcome back to Washington, D.C. As I have made clear on our six previous meetings and throughout Putin’s brutal aggression and war against Ukraine, my support for the people of Ukraine is unwavering. … I will work to ensure Ukraine prevails in this war. 

[Her phrase “Putin’s brutal aggression” is founded upon the false presumption that this war was started by Russia’s Government on 24 February 2022, and NOT by the United States Government on 20 February 2014, which was the actual case.] 

To be safe, secure, and prosperous, the United States must continue to fulfill our long-standing role of global leadership. We must stand with our allies and our partners. We must des- — defend our democratic values and stand up to aggressors. And we must stand for international order, rules, and norms. 

[Like all neoconservatives do, she presumes that “To be safe, secure, and prosperous, the United States must continue to fulfill our long-standing role of global leadership,” or, in other words, that the continuation of America’s leadership of the world ever since 25 July 1945, is essential in order for the American people “to be safe, secure, and prosperous”; and, so, America will have to be the world’s very first imperial power that will be permanent, even if the United States Government will, at some point in the future, have no possible way of continuing its dominance without initiating WW3 — a nuclear war between superpowers — in order to retain this position of global leadership into the future. Furthermore: her phrase “stand up to aggressors” ignores that the U.S. Government itself has led the entire world in international invasions, coups, subversions, sanctions and other forms of aggressions, ever since 25 July 1945; and, so, is like a black kettle calling a gray kettle “black” and so is hypocritical in the extreme. Furthermore: her statement that “we must stand for international order, rules, and norms” conspicuously AVOIDS mentioning international laws — which the U.S. Government seeks to REPLACE by its “international rules,” so that it can do whatever it wants, as ‘justified’ by its “international rules-based order”. Of course, these propagandists NEVER cite the SOURCE of those ‘rules’.] …

The Ukrainian people are bravely defending their homes and their homeland, their freedom, and their democracy against a brutal dictator. 

[This presumes that the start of Ukraine’s war was on 24 February 2022 when Russia invaded, whereas even Zelensky and NATO’s Secretary General Stoltenberg have admitted that that’s not so and that this war started in 2014 when Obama did his coup in Ukraine. Furthermore: whereas she there presumes that what this actual coup had created in Ukraine was a democracy, it was instead ending Ukraine’s brief democracy and introducing the current U.S. dictatorship there.] … 

Putin’s aggression is not only an attack on the people of Ukraine, it is also an attack on fundamental principles such as sovereignty and territorial integrity. 

[What does a foreign-based coup do to a nation’s “sovereignty and territorial integrity”? In the case of Ukraine, it started a separatist war, which on 24 February 2022 became an international war. Again: Obama, and not Putin, STARTED this war against Russia.

International rules and norms are not some abstract notion. They provide order and stability in our world. … History has shown us if we allow aggressors like Putin to take land with impunity, they keep going. And Putin could set his sights on Poland, the Baltic states, and other NATO Allies. 

[She is now engaging in the same “falling dominoes” lie that ‘justified’ America’s invasion and military occupation of Vietnam for over a decade. There has never been ANY indication that Putin’s purpose in invading Ukraine on 24 February 2022 was to expand Russia’s territory, but the U.S.-and-‘allied’ war against Russia in Ukraine has forced Russia to do this so as to AVOID becoming checkmated by having a nuclear missile positioned only 317 miles away from The Kremlin.] …

Putin started this war, and he could end it tomorrow if he simply withdrew his troops from Ukraine’s sovereign territory.  Of course, he has demonstrated no intention of doing that. … There are some in my country who would instead force Ukraine to give up large parts of its sovereign territory, who would demand that Ukraine accept neutrality, and would require Ukraine to forego security relationships with other nations. These proposals are the same of those of Putin. And let us be clear: They are not proposals for peace. Instead, they are proposals for surrender, which is dangerous and unacceptable.

PRESIDENT ZELENSKYY: We need a just peace, and we must protect our people … from Putin’s evil. … It’s crucial for us to — to be fully understandable and to work in a full coordination with the United States. … We have to keep pressure on Russia to stop the war and to make truly lasting and just peace. … We need to keep sanctions against Russia strong … to protect Ukraine — our people, our cities, our front line — from Russian evil. 


Also on Sepember 27th, I headlined both “UPDATED: The U.S. Presidential election is now overwhelmingly about whether to go to WW3 for Ukraine. This dwarfs every other issue.”, and “Why Kamala Harris Will Kill at Least 5 Billion People if She Becomes President”.


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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