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Evidences that Israel Controls the U.S. Government

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Date: Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Evidences that Israel Controls the U.S. Government

19 March 2025, by Eric Zuesse. (All of my recent articles can be seen here.)

On March 15th, Chris Hedges headlined “On the Precipice of Darkness: Normalizing genocide and the new world order”, and opened:

My old office in Gaza is a pile of rubble. The streets around it, where I went for a coffee, ordered maftool or manakish, had a haircut, are flattened. Friends and colleagues are dead, or more often have vanished, last heard from weeks or months ago, no doubt buried somewhere under the broken slabs of concrete. The uncounted dead. In the tens perhaps hundreds of thousands.

Gaza is a wasteland of 50 million tons of rubble and debris. Rats and dogs scavenge amid the ruins and fetid pools of raw sewage. The putrid stench and contamination of decaying corpses rises from beneath the mountains of shattered concrete. There is no clean water. Little food. A severe shortage of medical services and hardly any habitable shelters. Palestinians risk death from unexploded ordnance, left behind after over 15 months of air strikes, artillery barrages, missile strikes and blasts from tank shells, and a variety of toxic substances, including pools of raw sewage and asbestos.

and one of the many apt reader-comments was:


Thanks for this very moral piece. It amazes me that Gaza is not the only thing talked about in the news and on the street.

Israel’s cruelty, a longstanding property, is not surprising. Our partnership with them is. We can thank the billionaires’ ownership of our politicians and media for that. We are now very clearly a vassal state of our great friend , dearest ally and the only democracy in the middle east.

Short of a revolution I don’t see how this changes.

I agree with that, but go even further: America needs to vigorously oppose Israel (our largest-by-far, at $337B, foreign-aid recipient), because Israel is our nation’s most dangerous and evil enemy, and has done incalculable harm to the American people and to the reputation of the American nation — not ONLY harms to its own neighbors.

Concerning what “ChesterView” said, “We can thank the billionaires’ ownership of our politicians and media for that”: on March 18th, Eli Clifton headlined at “Responsible Statecraft”, “The Israeli-American Trump mega-donor behind speech crackdowns: Miriam Adelson is more than a funder of the Maccabee Task Force, she's also its president”. The Republican Miriam Adelson, a citizen of both Israel and America, and leading donor to both Trump and Netanyahu, was Trump’s 2024 third-largest donor at $106 million but was his top 2020 donor at $90,016,000 (Las Vegas Sands & The Adelson Clinic (against narcotics-addiction) — she wants people to be addicted to gambling instead of to narcotics). (However, in 2016, Trump’s top political donor, at only $15,511,600, had been the Democratic Party mathematician James H. Simon’s Renaissance Technologies hedge fund.) Her “Maccabee Task Force” “FIGHTING ISRAEL HATE ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES” equates all opposition to Israel as being “anti-Semitism,” and despises America’s First Amendment’s free-speech and free-press clauses, so that whatever she calls “anti-Semitism” (such as protesting against Israel’s and America’s ethnic-cleansing of Gaza) must be prosecuted in the U.S. and everywhere — there must be no condemnation of Israel or of its policies, regardless of what the U.S. Constitution says.

So, Eli Clifton reported:

The Trump administration’s effort to deport a Columbia University graduate student, Mahmoud Khalil, in retaliation for Khalil’s role in campus protests opposing Israel’s war in Gaza, showed the lengths the White House is prepared to go to police speech about Israel.

The administration’s unprecedented decision to seek the deportation of a U.S. permanent resident without bringing any criminal charges has an overlooked ally, however: the largest financier of Trump’s three presidential campaigns, Israeli-American billionaire Miriam Adelson.

Adelson’s support for the administration’s campaign to stifle criticism of Israel on college campuses isn’t a new focus but her alignment with the levers of state powers to implement her vision are unprecedented. In fact, tax documents reveal that she is directly overseeing a social media campaign targeting Khalil and Columbia University. …

Trump’s decision to target Khalil wades into murky waters. His attempt to deport a U.S. permanent resident for protesting Israel’s war in Gaza is polarizing and raises questions about why the president is so determined to protect the largest recipient of U.S. foreign assistance — a recipient of U.S. tax dollars proven exempt from Trump’s blitz against foreign aid — from criticism on college campuses. But one doesn’t have to look far to see he has an ally in this fight.

While Maccabee Task Force’s website makes no mention of Miriam Adelson, the group’s most recent IRS filing reveals she is far more than just its major funder. The Israeli-American billionaire is also MTF’s president. And under her leadership the group — with its sizable social media presence, particularly on Facebook where it has over 317,000 followers — came out swinging against Khalil and Columbia University with vitriolic and profane attacks.

“FAFO,” read a March 6 post from MTF, shorthand for “fuck around and find out,” a phrase warning that actions have consequences. “The sad truth is that the admin at Columbia couldn’t even be bothered to pretend to care about the safety of Jewish students until the Whitehouse [sic] threatened the prospect of losing $5B,” said MTF. “And even then, they still might think it’s better to appease the pro-terror mob. Not on our dime.”

The Adelson led and funded group went even further than attacking Columbia, it launched attacks on Mahmoud Khalil himself, claiming he was a “Hamas supporter,” when no evidence backing this claim has been provided, cheered that “Deporting Mahmoud Khalil after wreacking [sic] havoc at Columbia U campus is a positive step in the right direction,” and claimed (again without providing evidence) that “Mahmoud Khalil came to the US to promote chaos and destruction.”

The social media posts also cheered on the Trump administration’s threat to permanently withhold funding from Columbia unless the university implemented a variety of reforms, including the adoption of a definition of antisemitism that equates anti-Zionism with antisemitism.

In response to Columbia suspending, expelling, and revoking degrees from 22 students for their involvement in campus protests, MTF said, “They waited until $400M in grants were yanked. They could have shown moral character at any point but chose not to.”

This is the way America is ruled now, and it has long been so.

On 23 May 2020, I headlined “Israel — an enemy of America”, and reported — as I shall again here, because the history and documentation it presents is always being ignored:


Do the American people gain more than we lose from supporting (and from having billions of our tax-dollars each year donated to) the apartheid and racist Jewish Israel against the Palestinians — the descendants of the Arabs who prior to Israel's creation were the vast majority of that land's population?

The argument that Israel is pro-American is so blatantly false as to be ludicrous, but the argument that America is pro-Israeli is so true as to be itself ludicrous, because Israel is and has always constituted a national security threat against, and actually an outright enemy of, the American people. All of this will be documented here, especially because there is so much published that contradicts it, all based on lies, as will here be shown.

On May 16th, the neoconservative U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, threatened the International Criminal Court, on behalf of the Government of Israel, and against any other government than Israel to represent the interests of the Palestinians, which people Israel's Government has always actually considered to be enemies, instead of citizens to whom the Government of Israel has any obligation. Pompeo — on behalf of Israelis, and certainly not in the interests of the American people — headlined, falsely, at the U.S. State Department, "The International Criminal Court's Illegitimate Prosecutions", and he said (also falsely) "The International Criminal Court is a political body, not a judicial institution." He then went on to assert:

"On April 30, the ICC Prosecutor re-affirmed her attempt to exercise jurisdiction over the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza through a new filing to the Court. As we made clear when the Palestinians purported to join the Rome Statute [not actually 'purported to' but did, in fact, agree to the terms of that statute, in order to — and they did — sign and join so as to become subject to the ICC's international jurisdiction, which happened on 1 April 2015, though Pompeo says there that it never happened], we do not believe the Palestinians qualify as a sovereign state."

He closed this false allegation by this threat: "If the ICC continues down its current course, we will exact consequences." Though Palestine signed and became a member-state, and the U.S. refused to do so, he threatens the ICC with unspecific "exact consequences," if the ICC so much as even considers Palestine's case. This is injury being heaped upon insult to the ICC and to international criminal law, which that Court holds the world's supreme international authority to investigate and to prosecute.

In America, even individuals who are charged with murder are considered to have a right to legal representation that is not hostile to them but instead to represent them against the Government. Of course in fascist regimes such as Hitler's Germany and Mussolini's Italy, the Government rejected that American principle, but America's current Government, via this Secretary of State, likewise rejects it, in order to protect Israelis, not Americans, against the ICC. Neither Israel nor U.S. has ever signed, because both Governments intend to be international criminals, and want themselves not to be prosecutable. However, Palestine is a signatory to that Court's jurisdiction, yet the U.S. regime refuses to recognize any rights of Palestinians, including no right before that Court, which Court both Israel and the U.S. reject.

The U.S. regime constantly is asserting that it invades other countries in order to "uphold the rule of law", but that is only to its own law. Therefore this regime is only an international outlaw, and being an international outlaw nation is certainly not what America's Founders had intended when they wrote the U.S. Constitution. This current American regime does not represent the American people, because it does not represent our Constitution — neither as it was originally written, nor as subsequently Amended. This current U.S. regime is thus a renegade U.S. Government; it is, itself, a tyranny, such as America had warred against prior to 1946. Indeed, never until recent decades was the U.S. Government condemning and rejecting international law — but it does this routinely now, even while insisting that it invades other countries in order to "uphold the rule of law" and to "protect human rights."

What the U.S. regime represents in this particular case is the interests of the apartheid nation of Israel, and not the interests of the American people. It insults and obstructs the interests of the American people, just as Israel insults and obstructs the interests — and the human rights — of the Palestinian people. Furthermore, Pompeo's presumption that Israel represents the Palestinian people resembles Hitler's presumption that his Government represented Germany's Jews, and Botha's presumption that apartheid South Africa represented South Africa's Blacks. In all three instances the tyrant who asserts it, is asserting that the enemy of those people not only represents them, but is the sole and exclusive governmental authority which can represent them. In the slave-holding American southern states, the same claim had been made that they and only they represented their slaves. Those states cited the Bible as authority, because it authorizes slavery, but tyrants can always cite some allegedly infallible scripture in support of their tyranny, and it's just as evil, nonetheless, whatever that scripture might be.

Albert Einstein was a prominent American when he was one of the signatories to a letter to the editor of the New York Times, on 4 December 1948, in which he and many other prominent American Jews condemned as "fascists" Menachem Begin and Yitzak Shamir and their gangs, who slaughtered whole Arab villages in order to seize their land for Zionist Jews to take as 'Israel'. The signatories strongly condemned that movement — the movement which created this apartheid, racist 'Israel' — as being "akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties," against which America had waged World War II. But today's American Government represents those "Nazi and Fascist parties," against their victims, even though during WW II, Americans had even died fighting against such evil people as the founders of Israel's Government were.

Had Americans been wrong in WW II to have fought against Nazis and Fascists, or are today's Americans aware that the current U.S. Government is protecting Israel's ideological nazis and fascists (who call themselves “Zionists”) against any rights for Palestinians — against rights for the descendants of the survivors of Jewish racist fascism or nazism? Does Israel represent American values, really — or instead the values of America's enemies, such as the current U.S. Government is (as will be subsequently exemplified here)?


On 8 June 1967, Israel intentionally attacked and sank the USS Liberty, slaughtering 34 of our sailors, and injuring another 172. The official U.S. government inquiry by an independent study Commission headed by Admiral Thomas H. Moorer, found that, "after eight hours of aerial surveillance, Israel launched a two-hour air and naval attack against the USS Liberty, the world's most sophisticated intelligence ship." "Unmarked Israeli aircraft dropped napalm canisters on the Liberty's bridge, and fired 30mm cannons and rockets into our ship." "Israeli torpedo boats later returned to machine-gun at close range three of the Liberty's life rafts that had been lowered into the water by survivors to rescue the most seriously wounded." "There is compelling evidence that Israel's attack was a deliberate attempt to destroy an American ship and kill her entire crew." "Israel committed acts of murder against American servicemen and an act of war against the United States." "The White House deliberately prevented the U.S. Navy from coming to the defense of the Liberty." "Surviving crewmembers were later threatened with 'court-martial, imprisonment or worse' if they exposed the truth; and were abandoned by their own government." "The White House deliberately covered up the facts of this attack from the American people." "This attack remains the only serious naval incident that has never been thoroughly investigated by Congress; to this day, no surviving crewmember has been permitted to officially and publicly testify about the attack." "There has been an official cover-up without precedent in American naval history."

The USS Liberty Veterans Association delivered to the Executive Agent for the U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld, on 8 June 2005, their own 35-page study report backing this up and urging retaliation. It quoted from Richard Helms, the Director of Central Intelligence at the time of the USS Liberty attack. He supported, as Helms put it, "the board's finding that there could be no doubt that the Israelis knew exactly what they were doing in attacking the Liberty. I have yet to understand why it was felt necessary to attack this ship or who ordered the attack." The Veterans Association concluded that, "the fact that the Israeli government and its surrogates in the United States have worked so long and hard to prevent an inquiry itself speaks volumes as to what such an inquiry would find. The USS Liberty Veterans Association, Inc. respectfully insists that the Secretary of the Army convene an investigatory body to undertake the complete investigation that should have been carried out thirty-eight years ago." Their study and urging were simply ignored.

The Palestinians' cause is also the cause of the American people. The current American Government, bi-partisanly in both of its political Parties, does not represent the American people (except the ones who have been deceived by Zionist lies) — it is hostile against us, and does only what it must in order to fool us into thinking to the contrary of the ugly reality.

When Einstein and those other prominent American Jews in 1948 wrote condemning the individuals who had created Israel, here was the immediate historical context:

The 452-page study, published in 1974, The Population of Israel, which was produced for the Demographic Center of the Prime Minister's Office in Israel and by the Institute of Contemporary Jewry of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, mentions only in passing, on its page 401, that there were an "estimated 1,200,000 settled Arabs in Palestine at the end of 1947" and acknowledges there also that the total number of Arabs then "within the territory of Israel" was 777,700. The next page then mentions — also only in passing — that "The estimate of Non-Jews found in Israel in 1949 (including some returnees, during 1949) is about 160,000." (That number included not only Arabs but all "non-Jews," such as non-Arab Christians.)

So: even Israel (though they never explicitly assert this, since it's so damning) has acknowledged that over (777,700-160,000=) 617,770 of the 777,700 Arabs who were "within the territory of Israel" in 1947, or over 80% of them all, were gone in 1949. Though they never assert this elimination of 80%+ of that land's Arabs, they give those numbers, from which any reader who can add and subtract will inevitably conclude that at least 80% of the Arabs disappeared from "Israel" during 1948, which happens to have been the year of Israel's creation. 80+%. Only less than one-fifth of them were still in Israel. European Christians — not only Germans and not only in Germany but in many countries — perpetrated the Holocaust against Jews, and those 80+% of "Israel"s Arabs got treated by these surviving Jews remarkably like European Christians had treated so many of these Jews. These Jews absorbed into themselves what had been the the worst majority-Christian culture (especially its prevalent bigotry, though now having a different target) and then practiced it against the local Muslims in this part of Arabia. Whether or not they were practising what they preached, they practised what they had learned. And without the continuing and ongoing yearly support of the American people, this could not have happened and still be happening. It would not happen.

On April 29th, the great independent American investigative journalist Gareth Porter headlined "With apparently fabricated nuclear documents, Netanyahu pushed the US towards war with Iran", and he reported that there is "little room for doubt that the documents introduced to Western intelligence [in] 2004 were, in fact, created by the Mossad." Those are the documents upon the basis of which American sanctions were placed against Iran for its having a nuclear-weapons program (which Israel itself actually does have), which Iran did not have and was not even seeking — the documents were Israeli forgeries."

"Netanyahu's multiple levels of deception have been remarkably successful, despite having relied on crude stunts that any diligent news organization should have seen through. Through his manipulation of foreign governments and media, he has been able to maneuver Donald Trump and the United States into a dangerous process of confrontation that has brought the US to the precipice of military conflict with Iran" — instead of against Israel (which might be warranted). Netanyahu has even lied to claim that Hitler didn't initiate the idea of exterminating all of the world's Jews, the leader of the Palestinians initiated that idea. Just as Hitler lied to 'justify' spreading his hatred, Netanyahu likewise does, and Pompeo also does. Maybe the biggest difference between them is that only the U.S. regime claims to be "upholding the rule of law" and "protecting human rights" while it flagrantly violates both. The brazenness of the U.S. regime's hypocrisy is unprecedented and historically unique, but otherwise it's a rather normal fascist — if not nazi — government.

American taxpayers spend $3.8 billion per year as a donation to Israel's military. Every American (including all recent Presidents) who has participated in imposing that burden upon us is a traitor, and so too is every American who has hidden or tried to hide from the American public the reality, instead of to prosecute it. This Government, by such liars, rapes the minds of the American people.

It is a thoroughly bipartisan rape. For example, the Obama Administration was working likewise to block independence for a separate Palestinian state; only their tactics were different (because they represented Democratic Party billionaires, instead of — like Trump — Republican Party billionaires). Victoria Nuland of Obama's State Department threatened UNESCO just as Mike Pompeo of Trump's State Department now threatens the ICC. In fact, in this video, you can see her at a press conference defending this. The only difference is that Republican and Democratic billionaires pursue different tactics to fool different groups of voters. Republican billionaires fool conservative ones, while Democratic billionaires fool liberal ones. That's how they get the voters bipartisanly to support spending $3.8 billion per year so that Israel can spend $3.3 billion more on weapons that those American billionaires' firms manufacture than would otherwise be the case — it's all just a gravy train for America's billionaires, and not only for that fascist foreign regime, which uses their weapons. Anybody who thinks that this American regime isn't likewise fascist doesn't understand how fascism works. (Mussolini sometimes called it "corporationism.") The fascism of one country is no better than the fascism of another, no matter whether it's Hitler's "Deutschland über alles!" or Trump's "America First!" They're all doing basically the same mental rape. To call such a regime 'democratic' is to insult democracy.

So: yes, Israel's Government and America's Government are allies, but both of them are enemies of their respective public, which they only nominally represent. Each represents only its own billionaires. It's all business — for the billionaires, the owners of the nation's mega-corporations (including especially ones such as Lockheed Martin). And to call this 'democracy' is not only to insult democracy but to rape, yet further, the public's mind.


That was my 23 May 2020 “Israel — an enemy of America”.

On 15 February 2017, I headlined “Russia now runs the peace process to end Syria's War” and reported that al-Quaeda in Syria was backed by the U.S. Government so as to overthrow the non-sectarian Government of Assad and install an al-Qaeda or other pro-Saud government there. Finally, the U.S. Government succeeded there.

On 30 January 2025, ZeroHedge headlined that the head of Syria’s al-Qaeda, Abu Mohammad al-Jolani (aka Ahmad al-Sharaa) “Declares Himself President Of Syria After Canceling Elections & Constitution”. On March 2nd, Vanessa Beeley headlined    that “The Zionist 'loot unit' strips Gaza, south Lebanon and Syria of weapons and valuables”. On March 15th, RT News headlined “‘This isn’t war. It’s genocide’: Why the world is silent about massacres in Syria” and reported that “In one of the darkest nights in Syria’s recent history, coordinated attacks on rural Latakia resulted in mass executions. Survivors tell of masked men storming their villages, dragging families from their homes, and carrying out public executions. Those who resisted were burned inside their homes, leaving behind entire neighborhoods reduced to smoldering ruins.”

Essential in order for Americans to become able to re-establish a degree of democracy (such as had existed under FDR but ended at his death on 12 April 1945) would be 100% terminating the U.S. Government’s alliance with (and its actual subordination to) Israel, and acknowledging that the U.S. Government itself is our main enemy. Chasing after foreign enemies can do no good if the main enemy — in this case our own billionaires — is the existing Government, right here at home. 


Investigative historian Eric Zuesse’s latest book, AMERICA’S EMPIRE OF EVIL: Hitler’s Posthumous Victory, and Why the Social Sciences Need to Change, is about how America took over the world after World War II in order to enslave it to U.S.-and-allied billionaires. Their cartels extract the world’s wealth by control of not only their ‘news’ media but the social ‘sciences’ — duping the public.

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