Dehai Message Board (DMB)

Yonatan Solomon Russom
Jul 13, 2018 9:43 PM

Eritrea will be like Abu Dhabi or Singapore

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is a success.”

In the last 20 years, we know what we have been doing. Now we are going to work even harder and smarter. We only have one hotel that is considered to be international acceptable that’s Asmara Palace. We need to build at least two more hotels that can accommodate tourists from Africa, Asia (Middle East), Europe, Asia and USA in Massawa and Aseb by the beach in Red Sea. We need to give one year tax break for all business that serve in restaurants, hotels and tourism to bring equipment and supplies.

We need to continue our housing constructions and improvement in Asmara and other cities. We need to catch up the last 20 years we lost to make Eritrea like Abu Dhabi or Singapore. We have better future ahead of us. I believe that Eritrea and Eritrean have even have brighter future ahead of us. Making peace with Ethiopia will benefit both of us. We will be stronger and stable nations both of us. As long we are thankful and respectful each other, we will be prosperous nations. Our children will not be immigrating to the west and the west will come to us for our resources and our rich culture and traditions. We have a lot of work ahead of us. Our teachers need to be paid more money. We need privatize and the government owned property to focus on taxes and regulations.

My suggestion to the Eritrean government, we need to make Aseb tourist destination, we need to build little Ethiopia village, Somalia village, Uganda village, Kenya village, Djoubouti village. We need to build something that resemble these villages. We also need to build the biggest kids attraction in Aseb where kids come from East Africa or middle east for vacation. So we might need to build not just one, 10 hotels in Aseb.

We need to start dreaming big to make Eritrea to be like Abu Dhabi or Singapore.

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom
Jul 12, 2018 12:54 PM
እቲ ዘይእመን
ናይ ተንኮል ገሃነም
ኣብ ባዶ ዝትዕነን
ጠሊምዎ ዘበን

እንዳረኣየ ዓይኑ
ብደዉ ተቐቢሩ
መውጽኢ ዘይብሉ

ኣይሓሰበን ኣርሒቑ
ካብ ሓቂ ሪሒቑ
ንህዝቢ ኒዒቑ
መንገዲ ሲሒቱ

መን'ዩ ኣይትበሉ
ወያነ'ዩ ስሙ
እቲ ሓኽሊ ድሙ
ምልዓል ኣመሉ

ወያነ ኣልጊሱ
ንፋስ ሰላም ነፊሱ
ኩሉ ተሓጒሱ
Yonatan Solomon Russom
Jul 11, 2018 9:54 PM

A Season of Peace & Love

Dear Dehai members,

This peace restoration between Eritrea and Ethiopia as peaceful, safe, happy and healthy countries for our children, and for our children’s children (deki-dekina) through the seventh generation and beyond All of creation is sacred which means in Latin “Holy” What we did was something with holiness. Everyone feel deep respect for both of us due to sanctity with divinity and we considered worthy of spiritual respect or devotion or inspiring. Respect and appreciation for the Horn of Africa and for the entire community of the world. This deepening our connection to and understanding of community of world. Initiative, telephone, airplane, port and the adoption of Cooperation Circles as a vehicle for participation in Seasons of Peace.

Thank you

Yonatan Solomon Russom


Jul 10, 2018 10:47 PM


The fast paced events of the last few weeks were overwhelming. It turns out that Prime Minister Abiy means business and he has the trust of our own government; so much so that President Issaias himself invited the Prime Minister to his own residence.

The events speak for themselves, but nobody can deny that they mark the defeat of the policy of encircling Eritrea and keeping the region hostage to warmongering and poverty. The almost euphoric expression of our people in Asmara this last weekend was a celebration of the welcoming of a peaceful period ahead. Personally, I am grateful for that and most of all, I am happy to see that our people so alive and elate.

One thing without which I do not want to close my short note is that the weekend dispelled many of the misconceptions held by many in Ethiopia and elsewhere about Eritrea, Eritreans and our president (due to TPLF/Weyane and Western propaganda, of course). For me, it was time to say, "I told you so!" to the few Ethiopians I know here, upon their positive comments especially about our president.

Forward compatriots! Awet nHafash!

Jul 10, 2018 4:15 PM
እቲ ቊንጪ ትኳን
ምስ ኣልገሰ ትማል
ተረኺቡ ሰላም
ተጀሚሩ ምምባር
ተጋዲምካ ምሕላም

ኩሉ ተሓጒሱ
ዓሊሉ ኣሞጊሱ
ፍቕሪ ተላቢሱ
ብደገ ብውሽጡ

ሂወቱ ክምዕር
ብሰላም ክነብር
እንሆ ይዝምር

ይምሕጸን ይነግር
ዓማጺ ክልብም
ስስዐ ክጉድል
ንሰላም ከኽብር
ከብቅዕ ዕግርግር
ኣሸናፊ ኣብርሃም(ኣሼ) ጀርመን
Jul 10, 2018 1:32 AM
ኣሸናፊ ኣብርሃም(ኣሼ) ጀርመንስ!

ጓል ዛ ፕላኔት ጓልዛ ምድሪ  
ደልየ ቀቢየያ ሃየ ኣዳልዩኒ
ሓምሳታት ቑጺራ  ደሃያ ስኢነ
ኣበይ ኮን ትህሉ በይነይ እኮ ኮይነ

        ፍጡራ ክንሰይ ብኣይ ዘይትሓምም
ከምዛ ዘይትብጽሓኒ መሲልዋዶ ዘሕለምልም
ዓለመይ ከም ዝፈጥር  መሬት ዘቢጠ
ዓይና እንዳረኣየ እዝና ካብ ኣስቀጠ

        እህህታይ ዘይስቆራ ወጽዓይ ዘይስወጣ
ልባ ቀኒኑ ኣብቲ ሓንካስ መንበር ተኾይጣ
ከምዛ ዘይናተይ ክትጓንየኒ  ዝዝኽትም ዶ መሲልዋ
መዓስ እሞ ይጀጁ መዓስ ተጎቢኤ  ብጽምዋ

       ኣነን ክጽውዓ ንሳን ክትነፍጽ
መቓልሐይ ዘይዓጅባ ህጥም ትመርጽ
ትፍቶ ትጽላእ ፍጡር ከርሳ እየ እዛ ክንብልባሎ
ስግንጢር ኮይናትኒ እዛ ጎደሎ ዓለም ዋሎ

         እቲ ትማሊ፣ ጸው ዝበልኩ ንገድሊ
ህላውነተይ ከናዲ ዓለመይ ክደሊ
መዓስ መርጸዮ ክርትትና  በረኻ ክበሊ
ዘይ ነዛ ሎምየይ እዩ ዝተፈተንኩ ብወጥሪ

       እቲ ትማሊ ደም ድፋጫይ ወጺኤ ዝፈጠርኩዋ ዓለመይ
ምውሓጥ ምስ ኣበያ ኣብ ቀጽራ ባንዴራ ምስቃለይ
ክንዲ ብዝቕደመ ትኽሕሰኒ ኣብሳ  ኣብ ልዕሊ ኣበሳ
ደሃይ ጠፊኡኒ እዛ ዓለም ሲኢነላ ደበስ ወጽዓይ መለሳ

        እዝና ክኹክዕ በሰር ዝጋረዶ ዓይና ክኣሊ
ንጀነቫ ተጓይየ ናብቲ ካልኣይ መኸተ ገድሊ
ብእገዳን ከባባን ጸለመን  ምስይጣና ክበራረየኒ
ኣበይ ደኣ ኣበለት ሕጂ እዛ ዓለም  ሃየ እባ ኣዳልዩኒ

         ትማሊ ዝደወነቶ ምስለይ ሎሚ ኸ ኣይስወጣን
ዘቀራሓነቶ ኣህዛብ ምስ ተላዘቡ  ብጩቕ ምባል የለን ካን
ብስቕታ ተዓዚማ  ትማሊየይ ከይኣክላ  ዳሕራያ ዝገድድ
ደሃያ ዶ ኣለኩም እዛ ዓለም ሽሉ ዓለም ሕንግድ

        ትማሊ ታሕጓሰይ መግለጺ ክስእነሉ ብሰላም  ክሰራሰር
ለካ  እዛ ዓለም ገና ዓይና ቁሊዑ እዩ ብገፈል በሰር
ብስራት ፍቕሪ ትማሊ ኣእዛና ዶ ደኣ ኳኽይዋ
ብጩቕ ምባል ኣብያ ደሃያ ጠፊኡ  ካን ኮይንዋ

      ኣብቲ ሐሕሰሙ ዶ ደኣ ገግናዩ ኣይተተዐትን
ትውንጅል ዶ ደኣ ኣይነበረትን ብሰብኣዊ መሰላት  ምስለይ ትድውን
ትኳዕ የዕሲባ ዶ ደኣ ሰላመይ ክትዘርግ ወይጦት ኣየዋፈረትን
ዝረኣየ  እባ ዓይኑ  ይብራህ  ነዛ ዓለም ምናምን

            እንበር ኣነ ደኣ ትማሊብዘይ ዘራይ
ህርድግ ክበሃል ናይ  በይነይ ንምድላይ
ሽዑ እንድየቀቢጸኪ ደሃይኪ ሽታ ማይ ምስ ኮነ
ሕጂ ኸ የለኽን ዶ ዓለም ምናምነ

         ዝረኣያ እንተሎ ነዛ ስግንጢር ዓለም
ንገሩዋ ዕረ እንዳጠዓማ ትጉሰሞ ሰጊረዮ ቲ ጸገም
ዳግም ኣመስኪረ እየ ዓለመይ ዓለም  በይነይ ከም ዝፈጥር
ኣብ ገዛእ ዓለመይ በዛ ጽንዓተይ ብመኸተይ ከም ዝነብር

   ኣሸናፊ ኣብርሃም(ኣሼ)
9/7/ 2018

ወልዳይ ተኸስተ ማንሃይም
Jul 10, 2018 1:23 AM

ደቅስ ስከ ደቅስ
ግብስስ ኢልካ ኣስተንፍስ
ንሰማይ ጠምት ዘክር
ዘሕለፍካዮ ቃልሲ መሪር
ድሕሪ ወራር ወያነ
ዕስራ ዓመት ሰለም ከየበልካ 
ንህንጸት ንምክልኻል ተቖሪንካ
ንሓያላት ክትገጥም ንተጻብኦ
ወረ መኣስ ተርኻኽብሉ 
ሓንቲ እግርኻ ንወፍሪ
ታሓንቲ ትወፍር ክትብል ተመሃሩ
ንወፍሪ ሕርሻ ትቕይር ማርሻ
ብእግርኻ ዝደየብካ ጎቦ
ንወሓይዝ ሰንጢቕካ ጫማ ኣልቦ
መበሪኻ ሪኢናዮ
ማቶነላ ከምታ ንሕና ዘላትና
ተፒሽ እካ ዘይተነጽፈላ
ኣጋይሽ መነባብሮኻ ተማሂሮምሉ
ፍሉይ ካብ ካሉኦት መራሕቲ ኣፍሪቃ
መንደቕ መምበሪኻ ብሃሳሱ
ንሕብረተ ሰቡ ዝመስል ተሓዋዊሱ
ኮሪዕካ ኣኽሪዕካና
ብስርቂ ኣይትሕተት ብኮራብሽን
ከለኻ ጸዲቕቃ ብጽረት ኣጻብዕ
ንዉልቃዊ ረብሓ ዘይበልካ ቀባዕባዕ
ቲዝተሓጎስካዮ ብሓጎስ ነቢዕና
ብሳላኻን ብጾትካን ሓሳብ ልብና ሰሚሩላ
ዝሃረፍናዮ ክዉን ኮይኑልና
በል ነዊሕ ንበር ክጥዕመና
ጠዊዶ ክንብለካ ናይ መዳ
ወዲ ኣፎምዶ ናይ ኣስመር ክንጽዉዓካ
ፕረሲደትዶ ክንብለካ ኩሉ ዝጽዎዕ
ኣታ ጅግና ህያብ ፈጣሪ ጉንዖ
በልስከ ጉዕዞኻ ኣይተዓንቀፍ
ነቶም ሃዉቲቶምዘለዉ ክትድግፍ
ንስኻ ብኹሉ ትሕፈር
ንሰላም ንጉሆ ምሸት ትወፍር
እንቃኦ ምህርቲ ጻማኻ ሓፈስካ 
ኣኽቢርካ ኣኽቢርካና
ብሳላኻ ንስጉም ርእስና ኣቕኒዕካ
ዘለኣለማዊ ዝኽሪ ንሰማታት ዓወት ንሓፋሽ
ወልዳይ ተኸስተ 
Jul 8, 2018 3:08 PM

ሰላም ኣንቲ ሰላም
ተሃራፊት ከም መዓርን ጸባን
ዘይትምኖ ከም ማይን እንጀራን

ተፈታዊት ከም ቈልዓ መብጽዓ
ኣብ ጸሎቱ ክርስቶስ ዝሰርዓ
ዘይኣኽላ ሂወት ሰብ በሊዓ


ዓመታት ኣቚጺርና ክንደሊ ንዓኺ
ዋጋ’ውን ከፊልና እንተዓጀበኪ
ሽታ ማይ ኴንክና ጨሪስኪ ጨኪንኪ

ንገርና ምስ መን ኣሻሪኺ
ምስ ጉሓሉ ለያቡ ሓሰውቲ
ወይስ ምስ ገበቲ ሓፋሽ ኣሳቐይቲ፧

ሓደ ድሕሪ ሓደ ዓመጽቲ ሲዕርና
ንኽብርኺ ሂወትና ከፊልና
ንፍቕርኺ ዓው ኢልና ዘሚርና


ቊሊሕ በሊ ኢድኪ ዘርግሕልና
ሕሰም ኲናት ተባራሩዩልና
ስደት ሽግር ግራቱ ገሩና
ተለመኒ ራህዋ ለግስልና


ቀሲና ክንመርሕ ናብራና ሓዳርና
ሃገርና ክንሃንጽ ከብቅዕ ጸገምና
የእዳው ጓሓላሉ ሰርኪ ኣክብልና
ኣይትርሓቒ ንበሪ ምሳና
ዝሓለፈ ጸገም ኩሉ ይኣኽለና
Yonatan Solomon Russom
Jun 28, 2018 9:06 PM

Bringing Peace and Happiness into Our Lives !

Dear Dehai members,

To bring happiness and peace into our life, we acted, we did not just dream about and the past leaders of Ethiopian might have been interested in money and fame that was temporary happiness and inner peace, but true peace require some inner changes and remove negative influences from our lives that what Eritrean saw with Dr. Abiy within him. Happiness and peace come through simple things we love. They do not depend on our possessions, status or circumstances.

Dr. Abiy has positive attitude toward life for east Africa or Pan Africa He thinks about solutions, not about problem. He chose to see the solutions instead problem and he chose to expect success instead failure. He focused on the present and future and he forgot about the past. His positive attitude made us all feel light, happy and peaceful. He knew fear and worry cause stress and unhappiness even though our fear and worry were real, as the same time our president Isaias Afeworki knews that you don’t get nothing by dwelling on them, except lack of peace and happiness therefore he liked Dr. Abiy positive attitude and sent Eritrean delegate to bring happiness and peace into our life. Now is the time to make peace with our neighbors, and happiness and peace will start filling our lives.

We might not change everything but we decide to change the things that we don’t like or are not benefiting us. Like Dr. Abiy said fighting, killing old mentality, we spend both county too much money to military instead of other developments. We need peace and happiness. Now Happiness and Peace in Our Lives. Thanks God.

Thank you

Yonatan Solomon Russom

Jun 28, 2018 4:34 PM
ሓደ ነገር ተማሂረ
ፈሊጠ ኣስተውዒለ፡
ዕድመ እንተሂቡካ - ኣብ ግዜ ኣሚንካ
ልቦና ኣዕቢኻ - እንተተጓዒዝካ
ከምቲ መጀመርታ - ኣለዎም መወዳእታ

ሓጐስ፣ ሓዘን፣ ቅንኢ
ፍቕሪ፣ ሰላም፣ ጽልኢ
ኲናት፣ ቂም፣ ባእሲ 
ድኽነት፣ ስእነት፣ ሃብቲ ...
በለይቲ ኣረግቲ - ዝቕየሩ ወሓዝቲ
ከም መዓልቲ ለይቲ - ፍቓድ ዘይሓተቲ
ጠበሽ ኣብ ደልየቶም - ከም ነጎዳ በርቂ
Jun 22, 2018 3:36 PM
"ዝተሓርደ የንገርግር፣ ዝተፈርደ የዕገርግር"
ተባሂሉ ቅድም
ኣካ ረአናዮ ወያነ ከንገርግር
ክበኪ ከዕገርግር
ህዝቡ ከደናግር

ከመይ 'ዩ ኣእምሩኡ
ይሓስብ 'ዶ ይማዕዱ
ይርኢ 'ዶ ኣዒንቱ
የቕልብ 'ቲ ሓቁ?

ተማዓድ ወያነ
ብሓቂ ተዳነ

ዝሓዝካ ሒዝካ
ህዝብኻ ኣሞጊስካ
ምልጋስ ይሕሸካ
ዓሪባ'ያ ጽሓይካ
ኣብ ካልእ በሪቓ

"Game is over" - እንተ ክትጥዒ ክትጽለል
Jun 22, 2018 1:10 AM

ንመን ከመስግን?

ኣንታ ኣነ ንመን’የ ከመስግን
ንግዜ’ዶ ንዝጊኣብሄር ክቡር
ወይስ ንዕድለይ ግምባረይ’ዩ ክብል?

ዘጽንሓኒ ውድቀቱ ክርኢ
ውድቀት ‘ቲ ዓማጺ ወያነ ቀጣፊ
ስልጣኑ ክብሕጎግ መሕብኢ ከናዲ
ካብ ሱሩ ክመሖ - ከም ጻህያይ ሮማዲ
ንሱን ፍልስፍንኡን - ክጕሓፍ ናብ ጋህሲ

ኣብቂዑ ኣኽቲሙ ጸወታ ወያነ
ሂወት ናይ ኣሻሓት ትማል ዝደወነ
ዝኾለፈ ምዕባለ ስልጣነ
ዝደኸመ ሰላም ከይኳነ

ወሪድዎ ናይ ህዝቢ ኩናነ
ዓሪብዎ ኣለኹ እንዳበለ
ይበኪ'ሎ ኣብ ማእከል መቐለ
ተኾነሉ ዕድመ ተለቀመ
Jun 21, 2018 2:09 PM

ንዝኽሪ ስዉኣት ተጋደልቲ

ስም ርኸቡሉ
ስም’ባ ሩኸቡሉ 
ዝገልጾ ‘ቲ ኽብሩ 
ልዕሊ ተጋዳላይ’ዩ ነሩ

ትኣምር ትዕግስቱ
ዘገርም ዘደንጹ

ተጋዳላይ ትብል ቃል
ጽቢባ ፈዂሳ
ክትገልጾ ‘ቲ ጎይታ

በረኻ ወፊሩ
ዘይግበር’ዩ ገሩ
መንግስታት ሲዒሩ

‘ቲ ትብዓቱ ሓይሉ
‘ቲ ራኢ መትከሉ
ዘይእመን’ዩ ነሩ

ስረ ጅግንነቱ
‘ቲ ትብዓት ሓሞቱ
‘ቲ ብልሑ ጽንዓቱ
ልዕሊ ቁጽሩ ብዝሑ 
ዘራባሕ ብቕዓቱ

ኣብ በረኻ ጎቦ - ኣጻምእ ስሃሮ
ኣብ ሩባ ስንጭሮ - ከተማ ኣንጎሎ
ቅያ ዝገበሮ - ሓበን’ዩ ክትነግሮ

ኩሉ እንድዩ ኮይኑ - ሽግር ተጻዊሩ
ብጽፍሩ ብጻዕሩ ሓጋዚ ዘይብሉ
ሓያላት ሲዒሩ ኤርትራ ፈጢሩ 
ባንዴራ ኣምበልቢሉ - ክንዲ እምባ ኮይኑ

ሓድሽ ስም ሃብዎ እንተተኻኢሉ 
ንበይኑ’ዩ ንሱ መዘና ዘይብሉ

ልዕሊ ተጋዳላይ ኩሉ ዝወነነ
ወራሪ ከዳሚ ብእብረ ዘሕፈረ
ሕልሚ ‘ቶም ሱሱዓት ኣእዳው ዝቐርሰመ
Jun 20, 2018 7:44 PM
ንዝኽሪ ስዉኣት ተፋደልቲ ስም ርኸቡሉ ======= ስም’ባ ሩኸቡሉ ዝገልጾ ‘ቲ ኽብሩ ልዕሊ ተጋዳላይ’ዩ ነሩ ትኣምር ትዕግስቱ ተጻዋርነቱ ተወፋይነቱ ዘገርም ዘደንጹ ተጋዳላይ ትብል ቃል ጽቢባ ፈዂሳ ክትገልጾ ‘ቲ ጎይታ በረኻ ወፊሩ ዘይግበር’ዩ ገሩ መንግስታት ሲዒሩ ‘ቲ ትብዓቱ ሓይሉ ‘ቲ ራኢ መትከሉ ዘይእመን’ዩ ነሩ ስረ ጅግንነቱ ‘ቲ ትብዓት ሓሞቱ ‘ቲ ብልሑ ጽንዓቱ ልዕሊ ቁጽሩ ብዝሑ ዘራብሐ ብቕዓቱ ኣብ በረኻ ጎቦ - ኣጻምእ ስሃሮ ኣብ ሩባ ስንጭሮ - ከተማ ኣንጎሎ ቅያ ዝገበሮ - ሓበን’ዩ ክትነግሮ ኩሉ እንድዩ ኮይኑ - ሽግር ተጻዊሩ ብጽፍሩ ብጻዕሩ ሓጋዚ ዘይብሉ ሓያላት ሲዒሩ ኤርትራ ፈጢሩ ባንዴራ ኣምበልቢሉ - ክንዲ እምባ ኮይኑ ሓድሽ ስም ሃብዎ እንተተኻኢሉ ንበይኑ’ዩ ንሱ መዘና ዘይብሉ ልዕሊ ተጋዳላይ ኩሉ ዝወነነ ወራሪ ከዳሚ ብእብረ ዘሕፈረ ሕልሚ ‘ቶም ሱሱዓት ኣእዳው ዝቐርሰመ
Jun 19, 2018 7:43 PM

Algiers Agreement versus EEBC Decision

Weyane propaganda agents are talking about "accepting the Algiers Agreement" instead of talking about accepting and implementing the EEBC Decisions which are final and binding. By doing so, they find it convenient to state that there are issues like residences that may lie on both sides of the border (divided by the EEBC Decisions, I presume); compensations to citizens; the war was never about Badme, but about other issues; the use of ports; citizens will lose their lands; etc., etc. . . . . This is a continuation of the same recalcitrant, obstructionist policy they have been pursuing for the last 16 years.

It is not lost on diligent observers, including serious journalists (if there are any these days) that Eritrea and Ethiopia and all the other parties--the UN, OAU/AU, US, EU and Algeria--signed the Algiers Agreement with the first two as guarantors, and the remaining as witnesses. There is no issue of Ethiopia accepting the Algiers Agreement. It is a done deal! It was accepted by all parties, including Ethiopia, when the agreement was signed in front of the whole world in Algiers in 2000! Obviously, the Weyane is trying to deceive Eritreans and the rest of the world by claiming that they have "accepted the Algiers Agreement" and that there are "outstanding issues" to talk about and thus continue to demand dialogue to resolve those issues.

If there is any outstanding issue regarding Algiers, it is the negligence of the Guarantors, the UN Security Council and the African Union, to carry out their responsibilitie according to their treaty obligations! They should have taken actions stipulated by the Algiers Agreement when Ethiopia reneged the EEBC decisions 16 years ago. Moreover, the Algiers Agreement does not require that "other issues" be discussed before the enforcement of the border.

The TPLF and the new Ethiopian prime minister better talk about implementing the Eritrea-Ethiopia Border Commission (EEBC) Decisions regarding where the border between the two countries lies, if they are serious about peace and development for both the people of Eritrea and Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. Whether they accept the EEBC Decision or not the border between Eritrea and Ethiopia is international law and what Ethiopians should be doing is just withdrawing from the Eritrean side of the border as demarcated by the EEBC. Finished! It's already 16 years overdue!

In my opinion, what Ethiopia should do, if it means what it professes about peace and stability in our region, is communicate its intentions to leave Eritrean territories to the Security Council and all the other guarantors and witnesses of the Algiers Agreement. Once again, diligent observers will remember that Ethiopia wrote several letters including a "White Paper" and a "Non-Paper" to the UN in its attempt to revise and revisit (defy, really) the EEBC Decisions. Why not write a more important "Ready to Implement" or "Have Already Withdrawn" letter today?

As for the TPLF/Weyane, they should stop playing a game in which they have lost more than land that does not belong to them. The challenges that face the two countries in this increasingly volatile region in a rapidly changing natural and geopolitical environment are much more significant to the peace, and the sustainable development of the people of both Eritrea and Ethiopia and those of the Horn of Africa and beyond.

We Eritreans should be as vigilant as ever for these could be the same old games played at a different level. We remember the tortuous road to the Algiers Agreement (Frame Work, Modalities, etc. . . ) and then waited for the implementation of the Border Rulings for more than 16 years. Our people have endured unnecessary hardships because of the Weyane's intransigence. I personally will believe Ethiopians when they actually withdraw from our territories.

Jun 18, 2018 3:15 PM
Jun 17, 2018 4:58 PM

“የምልኾም’የ! “

የምልኾም'የ ጀጋኑ ሰብ ስረ
ዝሓለፉ ህልዋት ብማዕረ
ትሕቲ ኣምላኽ ኩሉ ዝፈጠረ

ኣብቲ ቀውጢ ሂወት ዝመረረ
ዕርቃን ጥምየት ሽግር ክበራረ
ዝነኸሱ ዕረ እንዳጠዓመ

ዘይሰድዑ ብፍትወተ ነብሲ
ኣብ ኲናት ማኣቶት ብትብዓት ደበልቲ
ይካኣሎ ዋርሳይ ፉቱናት ከም ወርቂ

እጹብ ድንቂ ሞየኦም ውዕለቶም
ዝወፈዩ ዘይትካእ ሂወቶም
ንሃገር ንህዝቢ ኩሉ ትሕዝቶኦም

ይተኸል ሓወልቲ ብስሞም ተግባሮም
ይጸሓፍ መጽሓፍቲ ይተረኽ ውዕለኦም
ክገብሮ ዳዊተይ ከዐልል ምስኦም

ክርስቶስ መድሓኒ መይቱ ተሰቒሉ
ንኹሉ ወዲ ሰብ ፍልልይ ዘይብሉ
ካብ ሓጥያት ኩናኔ ከድሕኖ ፍጥሩ
ስዉእ ተጋድላይ ከምኡ እንድዩ ገሩ
ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ካብ ዓመጽቲ ኣድሒኑ

ጹኑዓት ሰብ መትከል ትኩራት ሙዑታት
ክብሪ መንነተይ ዘውሓሱ ሃብሮማት
ወርትግ ተዘከርቲ ኣብ ልበይ ህልዋት
የምልኾም'የ ኣነ ትሕቲ ጐይታ ኣምላኽ!

ክብርን ሞገስን ንሰማእታት ኤርትራ!
Jun 14, 2018 12:21 PM


ሻዕብያ እንተ ኣጽቀጠ - ትም እንተበለ
ኣይምሰልካ ዝብሎ ዝሰኣነ
ትም’ውን መልሲ’ዩ ነቲ ዘደናግር
ክልተሳዕ ክሓስብ ምታን ከይሻድን

ልዕሊኡ ምኳኑ ጎራሓት ዝመዝን
ንሃልኪ ፕሮፖጋንዳ ዘይልፍልፍ ዘይጭድር
መንገዱ ዘይስሕት ከም ወያነ ዕዉር
Jun 13, 2018 1:01 PM
ጸረ-ሰላም ትኳዕ
ብሕጊ ተገዛእ
ኣይትበል ዘርባዕባዕ

መሬትና ጎቢጥካ
ሰላም እንዳሃወኽካ 
ሓሶት ተዘመርካ
ጎራሕ ኣይምሰልካ

'ቲ ውሳነ ንጹር
ሻርነት ዘይገብር
ቀያዲ ዝኣስር
ይተግበር'ዩ ዝብል

ክሳብ መዓስ ምትላል
ብሓቂ ምሽክዕላል
ዓለም ምድንጋር
ይኣክል ምጭብርባር

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Yonatan Solomon Russom
Jun 11, 2018 6:40 PM

Eritrea's Got Talent Washing DC 2018 Festival

Dear Dehai members, I will be participating in 2018 Eritrean Festival Washington DC 2018. I will take part of the Eritrea’s got talent show. This Eritrea’s got talent show is to show natural aptitude or skill. I believe that I have a special aptitude for mathematics, readiness to help other Eritrean Children.

All children are mathematician. The problem is student are not learning in school the real mathematics what other are sharing information secretively what help them excel in school and in life. What our children learning in school is very basic mathematics but if we want them to be scientist specially that require a lot of mathematics skills, they need to know what about going to share in the Eritrea’s got talent.

When I was born 48 years ago, I was a guest in this world. I have no clue about the world or universe but human being lived many years before me. Many civilizations have developed a complex understanding in various fields including mathematics, writing engineering, architecture and astronomy.

Many wars have been fought on this earth. In Eritrea, June 20 is celebrated as Martyrs Day. It honors those who gave their lives during the Eritrean War of Independence that lasted for thirty years.

Why I want to get involved in Eritrea’s got talent is not to show that I have special aptitude for mathematics, but to give other Eritrean children the information and skills that they need to do excel in mathematics to help them in various fields. Many scientist and mathematician have contributed how mathematics should be taught. Unless we are expert in that field of the subject we don’t real know what is offered to us at the school. If you would ask me how it should be taught mathematics, I will have prepare it differently in order Eritrea to advance in various fields including mathematics, writing, engineering, architecture and astronomy, and nuclear energy.

Thank you 
Yonatan Solomon Russom
Minnesota, USA

ERi-TV, Eritrea - ጸብጻብ ዑደት ፕረዚደንት ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ኣብ ዋዕላ ደቡብ ኮርያ አፍሪቃ | Reportage on President Isaias Afwerki's visit to South Korea for the South Korea-Africa Summit, held from June 3-4

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