Dehai Message Board (DMB)

Yonatan Solomon Russom
Oct 4, 2018 5:39 PM

Our Mother Land Africa

Education gives us a knowledge

It is our obligation and duty that we must return to our mother land Africa and give back to her our gratitude that she deserve from her son and daughters.I immigrated to west to be educated. Education gives us a knowledge of the world around us. Education helps us build opinions and have points of view on things we value most in life.

I like to debate over mathematics how it can help us advance in technology in the future. If we combine mathematics, art, science, technology, humanity, and imagination that can help us advance in creativity and knowledge. I only lived 12 years in Africa during my childhood, and I lived 36 years in the west. I need go back to Africa the next 24 years which equal 12+24= 36 so I can give back in the motherland Africa, Eritrea.

After I read so many books, I became aware who I real am. I didn’t feel that I learn new what African knew long ago. It just help me become more aware of the world where it has been and where it is now. What progress was made from the previous civilization. It feels only transformed to electrical and electronics other than that writing existed long ago. The mathematics was as advance as today. The world only become more dangerous today due to Nuclear production.

Mathematically speaking didn’t progress that much, in fact it has been forgot how African use to apply it and we only know of the sixteen century mathematics what was contributed by Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhem Leibzig which made mathematics more abstract. We have no idea how use to be taught before mathematics. All this progress made in technology it looks though as if it has to do with the sixteen century mathematics but the true is though, it has nothing to do with it. In fact the previous teaching of mathematics that it was driven from but that teaching has been forgot out of sight, out of mind.

We have little idea how use to be graphed before. We are only learning the sixteen century of mathematics as if that the way it should be taught. I am looking for new job in Africa. My preference is Eritrea first and second Ethiopia and third anywhere in Africa continent.

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom

Yonatan Solomon Russom
Oct 1, 2018 2:06 PM

ሕሳብ Part III


ሕሳብ Part III

እዚ ዘለናዮ ዘበን። ዘበን ሓበሬታ ተባሂሉ’ዩ ዝፍለጥ ዘሎ፣ ካብ ሓደ ጫፍ ናይ ዓለም ናብቲ ኻልእ ኣብ ዝሓጸረ እዋን ብድምጺ። ብስእልን ብምልክትን ዝግበር መልእኽታት። ኣብ ኵሉ መዳያት ህይወት ዝግበር ምንቅስቓስ የሳልጦ ኣሎ፣ ነዚ ናይ ሕሳብ ስነ-ሞጎት ክልተ ሽሕ ዝበጽሕ ሓደሽቲ ክልሰ-ሓሳባት ወጺእዎ ኣሎ፣ ሓደ ነዚ ናይ መብራህቲ ውልዕ ጥፍእ ዝጀመሮ። ንበብዓይነተን ቀመርትን መርሃ ገበርትን (ፕሮግራሚንግ) ኣወጻጽኣ ኮነ ናይ ቀጸላ ህንጻታት (ባላሶታት) ኣተሓሕዛ ቅርጺ። ኣሰራርሓ ናይ ኢንዱስትሪ ዓበይቲ ማሽናት። ንናይ ፍልስፍና ስነ-ጽሑፍ ኣገባብ ኣጸሓሕፋ። ናይ ድምጺ። ናይ ኤለክትሪክ ኣካይዳ። ብሓጺሩ ኣብ ስነ-ኪነት (ቴክኖሎጂ) ንናይ ክልሰ-ሓሳብን ተግባራዊ ስራሕን ከወሃህደልካ ዝኽእል ስነ-ፍልጠት ርትዓዊ ኣገባብ ኣተሓሳስባ ኢዩ፣ ንስነ-ሞጎት ብሕሳባዊ ኣገባብ ናይ ኣልጀብራ እንተ ተኪእካዮ። ጭቡጥ ኣተሓሳስባ ክትቅርበሉ ትኽእል መገዲ ኣብ ምትሓዝ ከም መረድኢ ከገልግለካ ይኽእል ኢዩ፣ ኣብ ስነ-ኪነት ኣገባብ ኣሰራርሓ ኣብ ምንጻር ከገልግለካ ይኽእል፣

ጆርጅ የለውን ዝተባህለ እንግሊዛዊ ናይ ሕሳብ ክእላ። ነቲ ስነ-ሞጎት ብኣልጅብራዊ ኣገባብ ስለዝተክኦ። ሓድሽ ክልሰ-ሓሳብ ብምውጻእ። ነቲ ምርምሩ ድማ ምስ ናይ ኤለክትሪክ ስርዓታዊ ኣገባብ ስለ ዘዛመዶ፤ሎሚ ንመጥልዕ ሰሊዳ (ስዊች ቦርድ) ንናይ ኤለክትሪክ መስመር ንኣገባብ ኣሳእላኡ። ኣካይዳኡ። ኣቀማምጣኡ። ኣሰራርሓኡ የገልግል ኣሎ፣ ስነ-ሞጎት። ኣገባብ ናይ ርትዓዊ ኣተሓሳስባ ክኸውን ከሎ። ስነ-ሞጎተኛ ድማ ናይ ስነ-ሞጎት ክኢላ ኢዩ፣ “ስነ-ሞጎት። ብተፈጥሮን ብትምህርትን ትረኽቦ ክእለት ኢዩ”

ኣብ 1650 ኣቢሉ ብበዓል ጆን ቬንላን ዲሞርግን ከምኡ’ውን ብጆርጅ ብሉወን ካብ 1854 ኣትሒዙ ሕሳብ መሊሳ ዝያዳ ንክትረቅቕ ተባሂሉ ብዓንኬላዊ ዝቕረጽ ዘሎ። ናይ ገዛእ ርእስና ዕቱብ መጽናዕቲን ምርምርን ብምግባር ክንፈልጦ ንኽእል ኢና፣ ኣብ 1650 ኣቢሉ እተን ሰለስተ ክፋላት ሕሳብ - ቍጽሪ። ኣሃዝ (ኣልጀብራ)ን ቅርጽን (ጂኦመትሪ)ን ንመጀመርያ ግዜ ድሕሪ ነዊሕ እዋን ብሓደ መገዲ ክጐዓዛ ካብ ዝጀመራሉ ግዜ ኣትሒዙ። ኣብ ግዜ ረናይሰንስ (ናይ ፍልጠት ተሓድሶ)። ሕሳብ ትሪ (ብርታዐ) ከም ዝህልዋ ተገይሩ፣ ነዚ ትሪ’ዚ ንምግባር ድማ ካልኪለስ ዝበሃል ሓደ ዓቢ ጨንፈር ናይ ሕሳብ ተወሊዱ፣

“As long as algebra and geometry traveled separate path, their advance was slow and their applications limited. But when the two sciences joined company they drew from each other fresh vitality and thence forward marched on at rapid pace toward” ‘ኣልጀብራን ጂኦመትሪን በበይነን ክጐዓዛ ከለዋ። ገስጋሰን ዝሑል። መዓልአን (ጥቕመን) ድማ ድሩት ነይሩ፣ ምስ ሓበራ ግን ሓድሽ ህይወት ፈጢረን ጥራይ ዘይኮነ። ንብቕዓት ንቕድሚት ብናህሪ ሰጕመን፣’ እንተኾነ እዚ ውህደት’ዚ ምስ ተፈለጠ። ኣልጀብራን ጂኦመትሪን እናተሳነያ መታን ከይጐዓዛ ካልኪለስ ተወሊዱ፣ ኣሳእላኡ (ኣቃርጻኡ) ድማ ዓንኬላዊ ኮነ፣ ስዒቦም ዘለዉ ዲያግራማት ክንምልከት ንክእል፥ጆሰፍ ሉዊስ ላግራንጅ ኣብ መጽሓፍ ‘ኮሌጅ ኣልጀብራ’ ገጽ 136 ዝሰፈረ ይጠቅስ፥ ከምዚ ኣብ ላዕሊ ዝረኣናዮ። ካልኪለስ ኣሳእላኡ ዘዋሪን ዓንኬላዊን ካብ ዝኾነሉ እዋን ኣትሒዙ። ንተግባራዊ ጥቕሙ ረቂቕ ብምግባሩ።

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom

Yonatan Solomom Russom
Sep 28, 2018 7:51 PM

ሕሳብ Part II


Part II

ነቲ ካብ ዓሰርተ ሽዱሽተ ክፍለ-ዘመን ኣትሒዙ ኣብ ልዕሊ ሕሳብ ዝተገብረ ውዲት ንኽትርድኦ ኮነ ተረዲኡካ’ውን ንተግባራዊ ጥቕሙ ክትፈልጥ እንተ ደለኻ። ነቲ ሎሚ ዝስናዕ ወይ ዝመሃዝ ዘሎ’ውን እንተኾነ ከም ሓደ ረቂቕን ልዕሊ ሰብኣዊ ክእለትን ኣምሲሉ። ሕልኽላኻት ስለዝፈጠረሉ። ግር ዘብል ኮይኑ ትረኽቦ፣ እንተኾነ ግን ናይ ቍጽርነት ክልሰ-ሓሳብ ምስ እትጥቀም። ነቲ ኣብ ሓንጐልካ ዝህሉ ግንዛበ ኣነጺሩ። ናይ ሕሳብ ተግባራዊ ጥቕሚ ከብርሃልካ ይኽእል ኢዩ፣

ነዚ ገደብ ንምግባር ኢሎም ንሕሳብ ክኸርር ምኽንያት ብምፍጣር መደብ ገይሮምሉ ሽሓ’ኳ ንሕሳብ ኣብ ዓሰርተው ሸውዓተ ክፍለ-ዘመን ብበዓል እንግሊዛዊ ሊቕ ሰር ኣይዛክ ኒዩተን (1642-1727) ከምኡ’ውን ጎችፍሪድ ዊልኔ ላይበኒዝ (1647-1716) ጽንዒ ወይ ብርታዐ እንተ ተገበረላ። ምስጢር ኮይና ግን ንዘለኣለም ኣይትነብርን፣ ሽሕ’ኳ ንካልኪሌስ ብውልቆም እንተ ኣዳለዉዎ። ላይበኒዝ በቲ ዘደንቕ ክእለቱ ኣብታ ንመጀምርያ ግዜ ኣብ 1684 ዓ.ም. ዝደረሳ ‘ኣክታ ኤሩዲቶም’ እትብል መጽሓፉ። ኣብ ሕሳብ ናይ ኣቃርጻ ለውጢ ንምግባር ዝደረሳ ኢያ፣ ቅድሚ ላይበኒዝ ግን ኒዩተን ኣብ ትሕቲ ‘ፍላክሽን’ ዝብል ስም ኣብ ናይ ሕሳብ ኣቀራርጻ ካልኪሌስ ንበይይኑ ኣብ ዓዲ እንግሊዝ ኣውጺኡ ከም ዝነበረ ኢዩ ዝንገር፣ እንተኾነ። ገለ ጽሓፍቲ ነቲ ብንዩተን ዝቐረበ ሓድሽ ትምህርቲ ኣሉታዊ ከም ዝኾነ ይገልጽዎ ነበሩ፣ መጽሓፍ ‘ኤለመንትስ ኦፍ ዘ ዲፈረንሻል ኤንድ ኢንተግራል ካልኪሌስ’ ገጽ 125::

ካብ’ቲ ግዜ’ቲ ኣትሒዙ ሕሳብ በቲ ሓድሽ ናይ ካልኪሌስ ኣቃርጻኡ ክመሃረሉ ምስ ጀምረ። ሓደ ኵሉ ሰብ ንኽርድኦ በርቲዑ። ካልእ ድማ ተግባራዊ ጥቕሙ ጭቡጭ ኣብ ዘይኮነሉ ደረጃ በጺሑ። ሳልሳይ ድማ ካብ’ቲ ናይ ቀደም ዝውቱር ኣቃርጻኡ ስለዝተፈልየ። ንኣበርክቶ ተግባራዊ ጥቕሚ ሕሳብ ኣብ ሰንዓ ዕቁንን ረቂቕን ዝተሓላለኸን ጌርዎ፣ በዚ ድማ ነቲ ብስነ-ኪነትን ኤለክትሪካል ኢንጂነሪንግን ክዕየን ክስናዕን ዝግብኦ እሞ ድማ ኣብ’ ሕሳብ ዓቢ ኣበርክቶ ክገብሮ ዝግብኦ ዝነበረ ዕማም ውሱን ገይሩዎ፣ እቲ ካብ ኵሉ ዝገርም ነገር። ነዚ ፍልስፍና’ዚ ብዘዋሪ ዝኾነ ኣቃርጻ ኢዮም ዝምህርዎ፣ እዚ ዝገብርሉ ምኽንያት። ሓደ እቲ ስነ-ፍልጠት ረቂቕ መታን ኪኸውን። ካልኣይ እቲ መሰረታዊ ኣቃርጻኡ ክባዊ’ኳ እንተ ዘይኮነ ክባዊ ገይሩ ሕሳብ ዘምህር ከምኡ ኣተሓሳስባ ከም ዘሎ ክንፈልጥ። ኣብ ኣተሓሳስባ ምዕራባዊ ክፍለ-ዓለም ንዝኾነ ስነ-ፍልጠት ከተመሓላልፍ ከሎኻ ዓንኬላዊ መገዲ ትጥቀም፣ ንኣመሃህዛ ቀማሪት ማኪና ንኣብነት እቲ ዘንቀሳቕሳ ኣካልን ናይ ኣሰራርሓ ኣገባብን ኣቃርጻኡ ከም መጥፍኢ ሓደ ሰሌዳ ክመስል የብሉን፣ ነቲ ስነ-ፍልጠት ብዓንኬላዊ ኣቃርጻ ስለትቐስሞ። ካብ ብዙሕ ምህዞን ጥበባትን ንዓድኻ ትገብሮ ኣበርክቶ ውሱን ይገብሮ፣ እንተኾነ ግን እቲ ስነ-ፍልጠት ብኻልእ መልክዕ ምትሕልላፍ ንኣመሃህዛ ክጠቕመካ ከሎ። ፈለማ ነዚ ብበዓል ንዩተንን ላይብኒዝን ዝተጀመረ ዓንኬላዊን ዘዋሪን ዝኾነ ኣቃርጻ ድሓር ድማ ኣብ 1650 ኣቢሉ ብበዓል ጆን ቬንላን ዲሞርግን ከምኡ’ውን ብጆርጅ ብሉወን ካብ 1854 ኣትሒዙ ሕሳብ መሊሳ ዝያዳ ንክትረቅቕ ተባሂሉ ብዓንኬላዊ ዝቕረጽ ዘሎ። ናይ ገዛእ ርእስና ዕቱብ መጽናዕቲን ምርምርን ብምግባር ክንፈልጦ ንኽእል ኢና፣ ኣብ 1650 ኣቢሉ እተን ሰለስተ ክፋላት ሕሳብ - ቍጽሪ። ኣሃዝ (ኣልጀብራ)ን ቅርጽን (ጂኦመትሪ)ን ንመጀመርያ ግዜ ድሕሪ ነዊሕ እዋን ብሓደ መገዲ ክጐዓዛ ካብ ዝጀመራሉ ግዜ ኣትሒዙ። ኣብ ግዜ ረናይሰንስ (ናይ ፍልጠት ተሓድሶ)። ሕሳብ ትሪ (ብርታዐ) ከም ዝህልዋ ተገይሩ፣ ነዚ ትሪ’ዚ ንምግባር ድማ ካልኪለስ ዝበሃል ሓደ ዓቢ ጨንፈር ናይ ሕሳብ ተወሊዱ፣ (መጽሓፍ ‘ኤክስተንዲንግ ኦፍ ማቲማቲክ” ገጽ 16)፣ ጆሰፍ ሉዊስ ላግራንጅ ኣብ መጽሓፍ ‘ኮሌጅ ኣልጀብራ’ ገጽ 136 ዝሰፈረ ይጠቅስ፥

ካልኪለስ ኣሳእላኡ ዘዋሪን ዓንኬላዊን ካብ ዝኾነሉ እዋን ኣትሒዙ። ንተግባራዊ ጥቕሙ ረቂቕ ብምግባሩ። ኣረኣእያ ደቂ ሰብ ኣብ ሕሳብ ዝተፈላለየ ገይሩዎ፣ እዚ ብፍላይ ኣብ መንጎ ስነ-ኪነተኛታት ተራእዩ፣ ብውልቀ-ሰባት ዝተቐስመ ፍልጠት ደሚርካ ኣብ ህንጸት ሃገር ካብ ስነ-ኪነተኛታት ዝጠለብ ስነ-ኪነት ምጥርናፍን ምውህሃድን ኣይተኻእለን፣ እዚ ዝኾነሉ ምኽንያት። ስነ-ኪነተኛታት ናይ ሕሳብ ስነ-መጎት ኣድማሳዊ ስነ-ፍልጠት ምዃኑ ተገንዚቦም ብሓባር ናይ ዘይምዕያይ ጸገም ወይ ሕድሕዳዊ ምርድዳእ ስለዝሰኣኑ ኢዩ፣ ጽቡቕ ነገር ናይ ሕሳብ ኣብ ስነ-መጎት ዝተመስረተ ምዃኑ ኢዩ፣ ብናይ ጥቕሙ ሕሳብ ጭብጥታት ክትትንትኖ ብሩህ ይገብረልካ::

Yonatan Solomon Russom

Yonatan Solomon Russom
Sep 27, 2018 4:27 PM


Part I

‘ሕሳብ’ ዝብል ኣርእስቲ ሂበዮ ዘለኹ። ነቲ ‘ማተማቲክስ’ ዝብል ናይ እንግሊዘኛ ቃል ብምትካእ ኮይኑ። ብቐንዱ ሰለስተ ክፍልታት ኣለዉዎ፣ ንሳቶም ድማ፤ ቍጽሪ (ኣርትመቲክ)። ቅርጺ (ጂኦመትሪ)ን ኣሃዝ (ኣልጀብራ)ን ኢዮም፣ ንምድላው ዝደረኸኒ ምኽንያት። ንገርህታት ጥበብ። ንመንእሰያት ድማ ፍልጠትን ጥንቃቕን ንምክፋል ኢዩ፣ ይኹን’ምበር። ናብዚ ንኽበጽሕ ሓያል ጻዕሪ ሓቲቱኒ ኢዩ፤ ምኽንያቱ። ናይ ስነ-ጽሑፍ ስራሕ እምብዛ ብርቱዕ ግን ከኣ ዝከኣል ናይ ኣእምሮ ድኻም ዝፈጥር ኮይኑ’የ ረኺበዮ፣ ንሕሳብ ብስነ-ጽሑፍ ጌርካ ከተብርህ (ከተረድእ) ክትፍትን ስክፍታ ይፈጥረልካ ኢዩ፣ እንተኾነ ግን። ንሕሳብ ብስነ-ጽሑፍ ክገልጾ ዝመረጽክሉ ምኽንያት።

እቶም ቀንዲ ምስጢራት ጥቕሚ ሕሳብ ኣብ ቅርጹን ቍጽርታቱን ኢዩ ተሓዚሉ ዝርከብ፣ ነዚ ከኣ ብኣብነታትን ምሳሌታትን ጌርካ ከተረድእን ክትገልጽን ክትፍትንን ኣለካ። ከመይሲ ንሓደ ነገር ትርጉም ሂብካ። ቅርጺ ከተትሕዞ ትኽእል ኣብ ኣወሃህባ ትርጉም ኢዩ፣ ኣብ ምድላው፣ዚ ጽሑፍ። ጌጋታት ናይ ሰዋስው ኮነ ቋንቋ እንተ ተረኽበኒ። እቲ ቀንዲ ቍም ነገር ነቲ ኣልዒለዮ ዘለኹ ናይ ጥበብ ፍረ ሓሳባት ንምግላጽ ድኣ እምበር። ንምርኢት ስነ-ጽሑፍ ኢለ ከም ዘየቕረብክዎ ክትርድኡለይ እተሓሳስብ፣ ዝበለጸ ስራሕ ክሰርሕ። ካብ ጌጋታተይ ክመሃር ድማ ወትሩ ድሉው እየ’ሞ። ምኽርኹምን ሃነጽቲ ርእይቶታትኩምን ብሃንቀውታ እጽበ፣ ‘ንሓደ ነገር ብቛንቋኻ ጌርካ ክትገልጺ ከለኻ። ንምርድኡ ዝቐለለ። ዝበዝሐ ሰብ ከንብቦ ዝኽእል። ኣብ ዝለዓል ኣርእስቲ

ናይ ሕሳብ ታሪኽ ለላዕሊኡ ክትንትን ፈቲነ ኣለኹ፣ እዚ ከኣ ካብ ታሪኹ ብምብጋስ። ተግባራዊ ጥቕሙ ፍሉጥ ንኪኸውን ኢለ ኢየ፣ እዚ ሎሚ ምዕራባውያን ብኣምራዊ ስነ-ኪነትን ጥበብን ዝስንዕዎ ዘለዉ (ከም ሰማይ ጠቀስ ህንጻታት፣ ቀመርቲ መኪናታት፣ ራድዮታት፣ ቴለፎናት፣ ወዘተ) ቅጥዒ ኣሰራርሓኡ ንምፍላጥ ኢዩ፣ ስለዚ ታሪኹ ብምድህሳስ። ነቲ ረቂቕ ኣካል ሕሳብ ንምግልህ። ተግባራዊ ጥቕሙ ፍሉጥ ይገብሮ፣ በዚ ከኣ ሕሳብ ኣብ ሕሳብ ክልሰ-ሓሳብ ንምርኢት ጥበብ ጥራይ ተደሪቱ ኣይተርፍን፣ ታሪኽ ናይ ዝሓለፈ ይምህረና። ናይ ዘለናዮ ኵነታት ከኣ የረድኣና፣

ስለዚ። ቀንዲ ትሕዝቶ ናይዛ መጽሓፍ። “ሕሳብ። ቀደም ከመይ ነይሩ? ሎሚ”ኸ ከመይ ኣሎ?” ንምርኣይ ኢዩ፣ ነዛ መጽሓፍ ንምጽሓፍ። ብዙሕ መጻሕፍቲ ንምስጢር ኣመሃህዛ ኢለ ብምምርማር። ብወገኑ ንሕልናይ ብምንቅሑ ጽቡቕ ኣጋጣሚ ኢዩ ነይሩ፣ ፍልጠተይ ብዘፍቅዶ መጠን። ነቶም ናይ መጻኢ ወለዶን ከምኡ’ውን ነተን ኣብ ሃገርና ቆይመንን ብሕጂ ዝቖማን ናይ ስርዓተ-ሓበሬታ ትካላት ብዛዕባ ኣሰራርሓ። ኣተኣታትዋን ኣጠቓቕማን ስነ-ኪነት ንሓበሬታን ኣፍልጦን ትድግፎም’ያ ብዝብል ሓሳብ ተደሪኸ። እነሆ ምስጢርን ሰበብን ሕሳብ ክትንትን ሃቂነ ኣለኹ፣

ንሓደ ነገር ኣብ ኣእምሮና ክንምስርት ክንደሊ። ጭብጥታትን ሓቅታትን ከምኡ’ውን መረዳእታን ሓበሬታን ንእክብ፣ ብድሕሪ’ዚ። ሓደ ትርጉም ዘለዎ ቅርጻዊ ነገር ከነትሕዞ ንኽእል፣ ነዚ ሕሉም ንብሎ፣ ቅድሚ ምስርሑ ንኽስራሕ ብሕልና ሰራሒኡ ክሓስቦ ዘለዎ ነገር ኢዩ፣ ንዝኾነ ቅርጺ። ስፍሓት። ክብደት። ወዘተ ዘለዎ ነገር። ሕሳብ ከም መምዘኒኡ። መመርመሪኡ። መስተውዓሊኡ የገልግለና፣ ንዕኡ ከኣ ምሕሳብ ንብሎ፣

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom

Sep 27, 2018 3:41 PM
"ኣምባቢ" - ዑሙት ወይጦ ጸረ-ህዝቢ
ዘይትሓይሽ ካብ ድሙ ካብ ከልቢ
ካብዝን ካብትን ተረፍ ትኣራሪ

ካብ ማዕዶ ትነብሕ ዘይተፍሪ
መድረኽ ዝጠንጠኖ ሓዲግ ምድሪ
ኣብ ፍሽለት ዝነብር ኣብ ትማሊ
ሕማቕ ዜጋ ናይ ምዕባለ ሓጒሊ

ኣነስ ሓዚነልካ ገሪሙኒ
ምዕዋንካ ጸድፊ ከተለሊ
ምውጋንካ - ምስ ከዳዓት ጸረ-ህዝቢ
ጫሞኦም ምኳንካ ኣገልጋሊ

በል ድሓን ኩን - ወይጦ ሕማም ስዓል
ምሕረት የውርደልካ ክትማሓር
ዓቕሚ ከተጥሪ - ከተለሊ ጥዑይ እጓል
Sep 26, 2018 11:27 PM


ጸምይዎ ንስእለ
በይኑ ኮይኑ እንሀለ
ሃተፍ ክብል ከየስተውዓለ
ካብህዝቡ ርሒቁ ዝኮብለለ

ይጽሕፍ ንበይኑ
ብጻይ ስኢኑ
ይከይድ ደኒኑ
ገጹ ተደዊኑ

ከይሓርሳ ታምድሪ
ተከልኪሉ ምበሪ
ከይገፍፍ ዓሳ ቀይሕ ባሕሪ
ሃገር ኮይናቶ ጋህሪ

ይመላለስ ዓዲ ሃሎ
ባሕሪ እንዳመሰሎ
ይሓትት ንነብሲ ኣበይደ ኣሎ
ቲ ኩሉ ህዝቢ ንብሎ
ካን ድዩ ኮይኑ ንቅሎ
ዘይተቀየመ ነየሎ

ከይተፈለ ጦ
ንደላይፍትሒ ይስልበጦ
ብግጥሚ ይሓናጥጦ

መስኪናይ ስእለ
ዓቅሚ ስኢኑ ዘንትዕ ዕንጉለ

Yonatan Solomon Russom
Sep 26, 2018 3:07 PM

Math Constitutes the basis for design of circuits

Dear Dehai members,

Math constitutes the basis for design of circuits

If I invent one thing for Eritrea and I will be an inventor for a day; If I teach Eritrean how to invent and we will be inventors for a lifetime and Eritrea will advance in technology.

Most people think math is only for computing numbers and teaching mathematics but math is all about artificial intelligence and invention for all electronics. Math is the universal languages. Mathematics is the queen of science and science a Latin word for to know. What appear to be electronic or electricity, it is all mathematics. We need to realize and be aware, what it seems to be electronics or electricity, it is mostly mathematics. The artificial intelligence thought process is all mathematics. Once we understand the nature of the electricity, we describe and control it how we want it to flow. This require mathematical rules. If it flows we give it one ‘1” if doesn’t flow we give it zero “0’. We call this binary because we are only to use two digit one and zero. “bi” (Adi Kilite) There are only zero and one. We use in computing telecommunications. Binary codes are used. All numbers and letters get converted to binary numbers zero or one. Let’s say 15,129 get converted in binary numbers zero and one to represent 15,129. (123X123). All Letters and numbers get converted to binary numbers zero and one. Where every there is one, the light on s and where there is zero the light is off. There are only two possible states, off and on and symbolized by 0 and 1. Therefore 1+1=1

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom
Sep 26, 2018 3:07 PM

"ኣምባቢ" ብማርያም ኢለካ ምሕሳው ግደፍ በጃኻ! ዘንብብ ድኣ ቡዙሕ እንድዩ ዝፈልጥ። ቡኡ መጠን ድማ ኢድን እግርን ዘይብሉ ሃጠው ቀጠው፣ ሑሱር ዘረባ፣ መእሰሪ ዘይብሉ ኣይዛረብን/ኣይጽሕፍን እዩ። ዝብሎን ዝገብሮን ግርም ገሩ'ዩ ዝፈልጥ። ካልእ ይትረፍ ፊደላት ቋንቁኡ ቡጉቡእ ዘጽንዐን ክጽሕፍ ዝኽእልን ሰብ እዩ።

እንተ ንስኻ ቀትሪ ከሎ ጸሓይ ዝዓረበካ ካብ ኩሉ ሓዲግ ዝተረፍካ መሃይም ኢኻ። ስለዚ ምምባብ ናትካ ዝምባለ ስለ ዘይኮነ እቲ ኣምባቢ ዝብል ስም ቀይሮ። ካብ ሕጂ ምምባብ እንተጀመርካ ግን ቡዙሕ ክትረብሕ ስለ ትኽእል ከተንብብ ጀምር። ድሕሪኡ ድማ ክትጽሕፍ ፈትን። ዝጸሓፍካዮ ረኣዩለይ ምባል ድማ ኣይትሕመቕ።

Sep 26, 2018 3:46 AM


ኣቱም ሰባት ብዘበን ውቤ ዝጸመምኩም ተበራበሩ ቲ ተምልክዎ ኢሰያስ ዝብልዎ ብዘራጊቶ ዝፍለጥ ብጸማማትኩም ይሸጠኩም ኣሎ። ብፍላይ ስእለ ዝብሉካ ምስልካ ኣብ መስቲያት ር ኣዮ ወይ ር ኣዩለይ በልሞ ስእልካ በምሓራን ተጋሩን ተጎቢ ኡ ባህልካ ተወሪሩን ተሓናፊጹን ቃንቃካ ተበሊሉ ደቀንስትዮካ ክዋሰባ ተዋዲዱለን ባሕርካ ከይሰማዕካ ብ ባዓል መንግስቱ ሃይለማሪኣም ከምዝምንዛዕ ተጌሩ፡ ብ ኣቢ ኣህመድ ክትምራሕ ዘራጊቶ ፈቂዱስ ድሮ ከተማ ኣስመራ ከይተረፈ ብ ጸጥታ ኢትዮጵያውያን ክትሕሎ ተገሩ፡ ዝተረፈካ የለን ስእለ ካብትመዉት ነዊሕ ጌርካ ብዘይ ሕልና ጥራይካ ካብተረፍካ ሞ ሞት ዉን ውሒዱካ መስኪናይ ናይቀደም መዝሙር ክትዝምር ግዜ ተወንጪፉ ካል ኣይ ዙርያ መግዛእቲ ኣርኪቡ በዓል መንግስቱ ተመሊሶምካ ገና ብዱቅስካ።

Yonatan Solomon Russom
Sep 25, 2018 9:52 PM

Can Eritrea Become like Dubai for East African ?

Opening our eyes

The king of Dubai had one good idea. He decided to share good idea with his cabinet and people. He had a good vision what Dubai look like in 20 years. He gather all the people and told them that he wants to invite all foreign people to his country and build it and they will own 75% percent and UAE own 25% percent. The cabinet and the people were outraged and were not happy with his idea. He told them go milk the Camel and sleep on the dessert. You have no education All you know is how to milk the Camels. Later, the cabinet thought why know. It is dessert after all if they can build nice building and boost the economic, it is will be In our interest. So, they decided to invite all international people. The Indian came, the European came. African, Arabian, Asian, and build the United Arab Emirate In few years. Later the king said we will give them 50% and we keep 50% and everyone agreed. Few years later changed 75% to 25% and so on. He made tough Rules. No corruption, anyone found in corruption, he or she get kick out or get killed and he killed his own son for corruption millions of dollars from his bank accounts. Today in the street of Dubai, no one take anything. No one drink and drive. Anyone found and drive get kick out of the country forever. Most of all no foreigner can become citizen of the country, UAE. They all of to renew for residency every 2 years and they have to pay a lot of fees. Except American maybe European everyone else require visa and fees.

The weather is harsh, and it reaches 50’C 118F or higher.

I just returned from Asmara, Eritrea. I am glad it is peace with our neighbor Ethiopia. We opened our border with Ethiopia, it already shows that peace is good. Nakfa started circulating now from one pocket to another. A lot of goods been exchanged with each other. Just before the border opened we were going to buy Taff(Teff) for $5000 Nakfa, a day later after the border opened the price went down to $3,500.00 we basically saved one hundred US dollar, even later went down to $3,2000 and kept going down to $2,800 dollars. The Tea and coffee shop were busy, the taxis became very busy all of the sudden. Everyone was running, buying, selling, etc. Asmara became like Dubai over nights.

Most people were excited. The street of Asmara were crowed with Ethiopian Moto cycles, Cars, Trucks. Godena Harinet was full of people. They were happy to come to Asmara. They were taking pictures in street of Asmara specially at the Cathedral. Bars, night clubs were busy. Shops were also very busy with Ethiopian customers. The mood was good. Everyone was excited. Some of them they only have Bir $ and were exchanged them with Taxi drivers. People were nice enough to help them.

Initially, the police, traffic were out of sight. No one was monitoring the traffic rules, how they were driving, and parking. They were excited and were stopping in the middle of the road and blocking the roads. It created a lot of problem with traffic but people were not complaining, it was just excitement for everyone. People were making money.

Today Eritrea opened border to Ethiopia and I think that we need to open our borders to all neighbor countries. We need to make tough rules but we should welcome them all. Our police, Munichipe, traffic officer need to function normal at all time. In the street of Godena Hadinet, no vendor should be allowed. No beggar allowed. We need to build housing for people who begs in the street who need a place to eat and sleep/shelter. This should be our government number one priority. We need to keep our street clean and free from any out of ordinary.

We need to start welfare system. Kids should not beg for school supplies in the street of Asmara. We need to help them and support them. We need to keep our street clean like dead animals( I saw dead horse in Enda Rasi) dead dogs, cats, etc. We should be able to contact who ever in charge, animal control. We need keep our cities and people clean to void health crises later.

Eritrea can become like Dubai.

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom
Sep 25, 2018 1:59 PM
ሓሶት ይኣኽለካ
ኣይትድገም ዘይቃልካ
ጽባሕ ዘሕፍረካ
ዘነውሮ ስምካ

ስቕ ኢልካ ኣይትጨድር
ኣስተብህል ኣስተውዕል
ልቦና ኣማዕብል
ታሪኽ ኣይትዘንጥል

ድኻምካ ክትዓብጦ
ዓጀውጆው ግደፎ
ሓፋሽ ዘይድግፎ

ንሓቂ ተገዛእ
ኣይትበል ቀልባዕባዕ
መይትካ ከይትርሳዕ
Sep 21, 2018 6:10 PM
ገበነኛ መሓዛ ድያብሎስ
ሉኡኽ ሰይጣን ዝሃደሞ መንፈስ
ሸያጥ ሓሽሽ ኣብ ደገ ኣብ መቕደስ
ተቓሊዑ 'ቲ ግዳይ ክድበስ

ኣብ ትሕቲ ሃይማኖት ዝሸፈተ
ብስቓይ መንእሰይ ዝነገደ
ንንዋይ ንሓጥያት መስቀሉ ዝሸጠ
መርገሙ ኣብጺሑ እቲ ዝሰመጠ 
ሙሴ ተጋሊጹ ሞይቱ ከይተገንዘ

ኣዴታት ኣቦታት ክልተሳዕ ዘምበዐ
ሓዞኖም ከይዓጽዉ ኣብ ሮም ዝሓንገደ
ተቓሊዑ ሽፍታ 'ቲ ሕሰም ዘውረደ
Sep 13, 2018 4:28 PM


ኣምስሉ ዘይሓፍር
ዓይኒ ኣንቊሪ ክደፍር
ብመሰል ሰብ ይምድር
ተሓላቒ ክመስል
ንሓቂ ክቐብር
የዋህ ከደናግር

ዑቡይ ጸረ-ሰላም
መሃንድስ ምትላል
ዘይፈልጥ ሓራም
ኣብ ቅንዕና ሓውላል

ናይ ጥፍኣት መሰሪ
ቀታሊ ወራሪ
ኪኢላ ሓንካሪ
ከመይ ኢሉ የውሪ
ዘይውክሎ ግብሪ?

ሰላም ዝሓመሰ
ኣህዛብ ዘፋለሰ
ግብሩ ተሰነደ
ንሱ እንድዩ ሓደ
ሓያል ዝሰወደ
ዊሒጣ ገበተ
ናብራና ዘኽበደ
ስቕ ኢሉ ዝዕበ

Sep 11, 2018 11:40 AM

ዮሃና! ሰላም ተኣውጁ ኣብ ኩሉ ዶባትና

ምስጋና ንዓኻ ዋርሳይ ይክኣሎ
ዓወት ዝልማድካ ዘይብልካ ጎደሎ
ሃብሮም ብዓል ስረ ንዕረ ተምዕሮ

ሳላ ተጸመምካ ነዊሕ ዝዓለምካ
ጸበባ መከራ ከም ማይ ዝሰተኻ
ሃገርካ ኣውሒስካ ጎይታ ባዕሉ ኴንካ

ወሻላኹ ዑሱቡ ብኒሕ ዝመከትካ
መውጋእቲ መስዋእቲ ኩሉ ዝኸፈልካ
ኣገናዕ ተሓበን ዓለም ኣዛሪብካ

ረሃጽካ ጉልበትካ ብልሒ ኣእምሮኻ
ዕድልካ ግዜኻ ኩሉ ዘወፈኻ
ሪአካ ደሚቕካ ኮኾብ ጽባሕ ኴንካ

ውዕለትካ ዓብዪ ዘይብሉ መምዘኒ
ብዋጋ ዘይትመን ልዕሊ ወርቂ ሕፍኒ
ንዉሉድ ወለዶ ወርትግ ተዘካሪ
ምስጋናይ ይብጻሕካ ኮሪዕካ ኣኹሪዕካኒ
Sep 6, 2018 1:41 PM
ተሓምበቢ ነፋሪት ተሓምበቢ
ኣስመራ ኮይና መላዘቢ
ሓብሓቢት ሰላም መህዲኢት ወጥሪ

ኣስመራ ሽኮር ዘይትህመሊ
ኩርዓት ኣፍሪቃ ሎሚ ትማሊ
ቀላሲት ሰላም ወናኒት ዓቕሊ
ፍርዲ ዓመጽቲ ዘይትቕበሊ
ጸሊም ኮሪዑ ሂብክዮ ክብሪ
ኣባይ ሪዒሙ ፈሊጡ ነውሪ

Sep 5, 2018 12:34 PM
"መሬት ዝረገጸ ኣይግፋዕ፣ ሓቂ ዝሓዘ ኣይርታዕ"
"ማይ ዝሰተየ ሽታ የብሉ፣ ከውሒ ዝረገጸ ኣሰር የብሉ"


እንሆ 'ዶ ኣብ ኤርትራ ተመስኪሩ
ሓቂ ከምትዕወት ዊዒሉ ሓዲሩ

ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ጎይታ ሕልሙ
መስዋእቲ፣ ጽንዓትካ ጋህዲ ኮይኑ
ፍረ ጻዕርኻ ዓምቢቡ ኣጒሙ
ሩሑቑን ቀረባን ዓለም ኣገሪሙ
ተሓቢንና ታሪኽ ተደጊሙ
Issayas Tesfamariam
Sep 4, 2018 4:55 AM

Naizghi Gebremedhin and the Eritrean Flag on Mount Kenya

A good read by Alemseged Tesfai, renowned Eritrean historian.

Aug 25, 2018 1:53 AM

ቅድሚ ይቕረታ ሰላም፣ ቅጥፈት 'ዩ ምትላል

'ቲ ርሃጽ ንብረተይ
ገንዘብ ክዳውንተይ
'ቲ ድስቲ ኩስኩስተይ
ገዛ መረበጠይ
ዝዘመተ ትሕዝቶይ
ኢሉኒ ዝሓወይ፧

ዘይሓንኽ ሌባ!

ዝበተነ ሓዳረይ
ዝረበሸ ሕልመይ
ዝጎደአ ቁስለይ
ዝገሃሰ ክብረይ
ሰብኣዊ መሰለይ
ይብለኒ ዘመደይ፧


ሓቂ እንተለዎ
እግዝሄር ዝፈትዎ
ቅድሚ ዕረቂ ሰላም
ምፍታን ምድህላል
ይቕረ ዘይብለኒ
ከም ዝበደለኒ
ከም ዝዓመጸኒ
ከም ዝሰረቐኒ

ወያነ ከዳሚ
ሓንካሪ ወራሪ
ናይ ጥፍኣት መሰሪ 
ዘይብርሆ ዓይነይ
ዝሓለነ ጥፍኣተይ
ጠላም ጎረቤተይ

ይቕረየልካ ክብሎ
ክቐርቦ ክኣምኖ
ንሰላም ክሓብሮ
ንብረተይ ይምለሶ
ትማል ዝዘመቶ
ፍትሒ ከይዓጠጦ
Aug 24, 2018 9:51 PM
Aug 24, 2018 2:49 PM


ድሕሪ ድኻም ጻዕሪ
ድሕሪ ላዕሊ ታሕቲ
መኸተ መስዋእቲ
ስቓይ ተጻባእቲ
ዘራያት መወልቲ
ናይ ከልቢ መንከስቲ
ዕንቅፋት ከደምቲ...

ወጊሑ 'ቲ ለይቲ
ቀትሪ ኮይኑ ሰቲ
ሪዒሙ ገባቲ
ምስ ሓቂ ክዝቲ
ማይ - ዓዲ ሃሎ ክሰቲ
ክንጸግ ብሰቲ - ሕማቕ ከየሳሲ

ERi-TV, Eritrea - ጸብጻብ ዑደት ፕረዚደንት ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ኣብ ዋዕላ ደቡብ ኮርያ አፍሪቃ | Reportage on President Isaias Afwerki's visit to South Korea for the South Korea-Africa Summit, held from June 3-4

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