Dehai Message Board (DMB)

Dec 7, 2018 2:32 AM
እሾኽ መርገም ሱሩ ካብ ተነቕለ
ኳዂቶ ተኾርባ ነበረ ካብ ኮነ
እግሪ ይሰጉም ይርገጽ ከይሰፈለ
ይጕየ ስራሕ ምኽኒት ከይፈጠረ

ዓይኒ ይርአ የማዕዱ ኣርሒቑ
ጉንዲ፣ መንገፍ ተኣልዩ'ዩ ኣልጊሱ
ጸገም ትማል ዘቕበጸ ሓንጊዱ

ነማዓሪ ኩነት ኣእምሮና
ንቓንዮ ሕልና ውሽጥና
ንምዕባለ ክንስጕም ሓቢርና
ዝተኸስረ ግዜ ይኣኽለና
ብጓል ነገር ኣይንስሓት መስመርና
Dec 6, 2018 3:39 PM
እቲ እሾኽ ሱሩ ካብ ተነቕሰ
ኳዂቶ ተኾርባ ካብ ኣልገሰ
እግሪ ይሰጉም ይርገጽ ከይሓንከሰ
ይጉየ ስራሕ ክለምዕ 'ት ለሰ

ዓይኒ ይርአ የማዕዱ ኣርሒቑ
ጉንዲ፣ መንገፍ ተኣልዩ'ዩ ኣልጊሱ
ጸገም ትማል ዘቕበጸ ሓንጊዱ

ነማዓሪ ኩነት ኣእምሮና
ንቓንዮ ውሽጢ ሕልናና
ንምዕባለ ክንስጉም ሓቢርና
ዝተኸስረ ግዜ እንዳዘከርና
ንጓል ነገር ቁምነገር ከይሃብና
Dec 4, 2018 11:55 PM

ቃንኡ ቀይሩ

ትዕቢተኛ ሰይጣን
ዘየሕፍሮ ምንቋር
ፈታው ምብትታን
ብተንኮላት ሃብታም
ከምዛ ዘይበደለ
ኣጆኹም ዘይበለ
ንጥፍኣት ጕጅለ
ገሹና እንሀለ
ግይጽ እንዳበለ
ይቕሬታ ከይበለ

ምስ ፈሸሎ ኩሉ
ምስ’ቶም ጓሓላሉ
ቃንኡ ቀይሩ

ከዳህልል ድዩ ኣሚኑ
ካብ ጌጋ ተማሂሩ
ግዜ ክነግር ‘ዩ

ጥራሕ ነቕልቡሉ
ነውራም’ዩ ግብሩ

እዚ ፖለቲካ
ጸወታ ገበጣ
ግይጽ ምይጽ ሓቂ እንዳኣቝለስካ
ኢድ ምጭባጥ ከምዛ ዘይኣበስካ
Dec 4, 2018 8:15 PM
ድሕሪ ዒሕታ - ቈልዓ
ድሕረ ሕጸ - መርዓ
ድሕሪ መኸተ - ዓወት
ሻዕብያዊ ሕላገት
ዘለዎ መሰረት!!
Dec 1, 2018 4:31 PM

እንኳ ኣሐጐሰና!

ደቂ ኤረይ - ደቂ ሃገርና
ከበሳ ቆላ - ደገ ዘለና
ጸልማት ወጊሑ - ንበል ዮሃና!

ሰላም ሰፊኑ - ኣብ ኤርትራ
ጸሓይ በሪቓ - ወርሒ ሓዚላ
ቀትርን ለይትን - ሓደ ኮይኑልና
ኣባይ ሪዒሙ - ኢዱ ሂቡና
ማዕቀብ ኣልዒሉ ‘ቲ ረማሲና
ሳላ መኸተ - መስዋእቲ ጅግና

ሃገርና ንህነጽ - ስዓት ወሲኽና
ጸገም ከብቅዕ ኣብ ኤርትራ
ራህዋ ክኸውን - ወግዒ ዕላልና

Dec 1, 2018 2:31 AM
ደቂ ኤረይ - ደቂ ሃገርና
ከበሳ ቆላ - ደገ ዘለና
ጸልማት ወጊሑ - እንኳዕ ኣሐጐሰና!

ሰላም ሰፊኑ - ኣብ ኤርትራ
ጸሓይ በሪቓ - ወርሒ ሓዚላ
ቀትርን ለይትን - ሓደ ኮይኑልና
ኣባይ ሪዒሙ - ኢዱ ሂቡና
ሳላ መኸተ - መስዋእቲ ጅግና

ሃገርና ንህነጽ - ስዓት ወሲኽና
ጸገም ከብቅዕ ተጻባኢና
ራህዋ ክኸውን - ወግዒ ዕላልና
Nov 30, 2018 2:16 AM
ጽውጽዋይ ተመንን ሰብን
ሰማዒ ዘገርም ዘስደምም
ወያንያዊ ጠባይ ክሓዲ ዘይእሩም

ሰብ ብገርሁ
ደንጊጹ ራህሪሁ
እዝግኣብሄር ፈሪሁ
ንተመን ኣስጊርዎ ውሕጅ - ሰቒሉ ኣብ ርእሱ

ድሕሪ ዉሕጅ ምስጋር
ኣብ ክንዲ ምምስጋን
ተመን ጀመረ ምዕግርጋር
ኣይወርድን'የ ብምባል

ድሕሪ ክትዕ ዕግርግር
ናብ ዳኛ ኣምርሑ - ነገሮም ክኽትም


ሙጉት ክሕደትን ዓመጽን
ግርህናን በለጽን
ተንኮለኛ ቓሉ ከዐብር
ገባር ጽቡቕ ክነብዕ ከንጸርጽር
ምዕዛብ ክኸፍእ ክሓስም

ዳኛ ስርዓት ኣትሓዘ ሰብ ነገር
ማዕረ ደው ክብሉ - 'ቲ ስርዓት ክኽበር

ተመን ተነግሮ ካብ ርእሲ ክወርድ
ጠባይ ገሩ ክጫበጥ ክሙጕት 
ኣብ ቅድሚ ዳኛ ፈጺሙ ከይሕንግድ

ነገሮም ኣፍሲሶም
ኣግብእ እዋሓስ ኢሎም
ዳኛ ብኣንክሮ ምስ ሰመዖም
ፍርዲ ተዋህበ ንኽሊቲኦም

ሰብ ስማዕ ኢሉ ዳኛ ጀመረ፣
"በትሪ ኣብ ኢድካ
ተመን ኣብ እግርኻ
እንታይ ኢለ'ሞ ክፈርደልካ"
ኢሉ ክድምድምን
ኣብ ቋሕ ሰም - ተመን ክቕንጸልን
ሓደ ‘ኸውን

ዘረባ ዳኛ ቆብ ዘበለ ገባር ጽቡቕ
በትሩ ገሩ ብቕጽበት ኣብ ደቒቕ
ርእሱ ቀጥቀጦ ተመን ከምዘይትስእ
በደሉ ተንኮሉ ሓንሳብ ንሓዋሩ ከብቅዕ
Tsehay simret
Nov 30, 2018 1:14 AM
Nov 27, 2018 3:28 PM
ሃገር ጽንዓት ሃገር እንኪሒራ
ሃገር ስራሕ ካብ ኢዳ ድራራ
ሃገር ጸሎት ገዳም ምስክራ
ሃገር እምነት መስጊድ ዝነግረላ
ሃገር ተስፋ ኣብ ሓድነት ሓይላ
ሃገር ባሕሪ ጸጋ ዝኸበባ
ሃገር ፍቕሪ ሰላም ዝዓሰላ
ሃገር ስምረት ኣብ ሓጐስ ጸበባ
ዘይተጓኒ ንሩሑቕ ቀረባ
ፈታው ስኒት ንኹሉ መርሓባ
ዝበደሀት ዓማጺ ወረራ
ዘይትስምብድ ብፈኸራ ጃህራ
ኣደ ሓቂ ዘይትጠልም ሕድራ
ቃል 'ቲ ስዉእ ክኸይድ ዝበላ

መን ከማኺ ሃገረይ ኤርትራ
ንበሪ ድመቒ ብናይ መስመር ሓራ
ዓማጺት ዓለምና እስኺ መምህራ

Nov 20, 2018 4:55 PM
እቲ ኣሻሓት ዘብከየ
ህዝቢ ዘላደየ
ደሞም ዝሰተየ
ንብረት ዝራሰየ
ኤረይ ዝወረረ
ናይ ትግራይ ወያነ
ይበኪ እነሀለ
ሕጊ/ፍትሒ እንዳኣልዓለ
ከምዛ ዘይበደለ
ገበነኛ ጉጂለ

ጸሓይ ከሎ ቀትሪ
'ቲ ህዝቢ ከአዊ
ዘይሰመዐት እዝኒ
ዝገርም 'ዩ ሕጂ
ዓብዪ ክሓሚ!

ነውራም ገበነኛ
ሓሳዊ ለኹመኛ
ውድቀትካስ እንኳዕ ድኣ ኣርኣየና!

ካብ መጠን ንላዕሊ፣

Nov 17, 2018 4:42 PM
ኣመስጉኑለይ ኣገናዕ በሉለይ
ነቲ ጅግና ሓወይ
‘ታ ኮርዒዳ ሓፍተይ
‘ቲ ወረጃ ህዝበይ
ምስ ዉሕሉል መንግስተይ
ሕልመይ ዘስመሩለይ
ዘሕፈሩ ጸላእተይ
ዝዓቀቡ ኤረይ
ክብሪ መንነተይ

ሰሚሮም ሓቢሮም
ኢድን ጓንትን ኮይኖም
ሕሰም ተጻዊሮም
ግዜኦም ወፍዮም
መስዋእቲ ከፊሎም
ዘውሕሱ ሃገሮም

ኣብ ሓቂ ረጊጾም
ኣስናኖም ነኺሶም
ዓሎቕ ከይረበሾም
ዝስዕሩ ጸላእቶም

እዛ ሓውላል ዓለም
ክትነብራ መስደመም
ንገሩዋ ኩሉ
‘ቲ ቕያ ጥበቡ
ኤርትራዊ ሓይሉ
ናይ መኸተ ዓቕሙ
ዝገብር ምዃኑ

ተሓበን ተነየት
ጻማኻ ‘ዩ ዓወት
ኣንታ ክቡር ሓየት
Nov 17, 2018 3:36 PM
ኣመስጉኑለይ ኣገናዕ በሉለይ
ነቲ ጅግና ሓወይ
‘ታ ኮርዒዳ ሓፍተይ
‘ቲ ወረጃ ህዝበይ
ምስ ዉሕሉል መንግስተይ
ሕልመይ ዘስመሩለይ
ዘሕፈሩ ጸላእተይ
ዝዓቀቡ ኤረይ
ክብሪ መንነተይ

ሰሚሮም ሓቢሮም
ኢድን ጓንትን ኮይኖም
ሕሰም ተጻዊሮም
ግዜኦም ወፍዮም
መስዋእቲ ከፊሎም
ዘውሕሱ ሃገሮም

ኣብ ሓቂ ረጊጾም
ኣስናኖም ነኺሶም
ዓሎቕ ከይረበሾም
ዝስዕሩ ጸላእቶም

ተሓበን ተነየት
ጻማኻ ‘ዩ ዓወት
ኣንታ ክቡር ሓየት

Nov 16, 2018 12:26 PM

ኣብ ፌስታ ኣለኹ!

ኣባይ ተሳዒሩ
ማዕቀብ ተላዒሉ
ኣብ ታሪኽ ሰፊሩ
ሓጐስ ደስታ ኮይኑ

ህድኣት ሰላም ሰፊኑ
ሓፋሽ ተሓቢኑ
ጸላእቱ ኣርዒሙ
ኣብ ሓቂ ኣድኒኑ

ኣነ ብወገነይ
ካብ ውሽጢ ካብ ልበይ
ምስ ህዝበይ ኣዕሩኹተይ
ስድራይ ጎሬበተይ
ሳዕሲዐ ዓሊለ
ተቛጻጽየ ዘሊለ
እንኳዕ ኣሐጐሰና ኢለ

መዓስ ቀሊል ነሩ
‘ቲ መኸተ ትሩ
ኣንጻር ጓሓላሉ

ወሲዱ እንድዩ ሂወት
እታ ዝኸበረት
ናይ ቡዙሓት ሓየት
Yonatan Solomon Russom
Nov 15, 2018 5:23 PM

Dear Present, I am ready for you.

Dear past, I survived you.

Eritrean struggle ends only in victory. As Napoleon Bonaparte once said victory belongs to most persevering. What does persevering mean? Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty, obstacles and discouragement without giving up. We are abide accepting the challenges and believing in ourselves and to become more dedicate and keeping our pride and never quit or give up until we succeed. Peace is the beauty of life. We always stand against evil. This victory or past victory were each of us contributed and committed to Eritrea’s victory. We work hard together toward a this outcome. Eritrean who live in Europe, America, and Africa.

Dear Present , I am ready for you.

Now, we need to give our dear Eritrean friends a big hug, how thankful we are to have people like them in our life. So, thank you from the bottom of our heart for being Eritrean friends. We want them to know that we deeply appreciate their support and selfless love. They are always so kind and patient with us. We need even write them letter to let them know.

Dear future, I am coming to you.

The past can not be changed. We should not dwell in the past. The future is yet in our power. Our vision is to make Eritrea (Eritrean Anthem)
“Will build up and make her green” (ንህንጻ ንልምዓት ክንሰርሕ) (give for good cause today the cost of a $5.00 latte, to make Eritrea green)

“We shall honor her with progress” (ስልጣኔ ከነልብሳ ግርማ)
“We have a word to her to embellish” (ሕድሪ'ሎና ግምጃ ክንስልማ)

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom

Nov 15, 2018 1:34 PM

ረዚን ህዝቢ

ክቡር ዜጋ - ህዝቢ ኤርትራ
ተፈታዊ ከም ወይኒ ዘለላ
ወትሩ ድሙቕ ከምቲ ወርቂ ዛራ
ከም ናይ ብሻ ሓጺን ድባሩዋ

ፈታው ሓቂ ሩህሩህ እንካ ሃባ
ጎይታ ጽንዓት ኣብ መከራ ራህዋ
ጭዋ ህዝቢ ጻዕዳ ከም ዓለባ

ሞጒቱ ዝረትዕ
መኪቱ ዘዅርዕ
ካብ ህዝብታት ብጹዕ

ትርፎ ስራሕ ዘይፈቱ ዘረባ
ንፍቕሪ ንሰላም ኩልሳዕ መርሃባ
ዘየፍቅድ ንዓመጽ ወረራ

ሰሪሑ ዝዕንገል ዝጽይን ምጽወታ
በላዕ ናቱ ስስዐ ዘይፈልጣ
ንበር ክበር ርትዒ ከተጽልላ
ዓለም ጸፋር እስኻ መምህራ
Nov 14, 2018 5:48 PM


We have resolutely fought against the UNjust sanctions for which no evidence for the culpability of Eritrea in what it had been accused has been provided to date. We have endured unthinkable sufferings,and ills aimed at our social fabric and long-term sustainability. We have been building our nation despite the many obstacles that were thrown against us--all while waiting and working for the victorious conclusion that came to light last June and is highlighted by the lifting of the sanctions today. We now redouble our efforts for accelerated nation building. JUST CAUSE, RESISTANCE, PATIENCE, PERSEVERANCE, RESILIENCE! Those are the components of our VICTORY!

Nov 14, 2018 1:08 AM
ዮሃና! ዮሃና!
እንኳዕ ኣሐጐሰና
ድሕሪ መኸተ ዓወት
ኤርትራዊ ሕላገት

ሓፋሽ ኣይተኻእለን
ኣብ ጸበባ ጸገም
መኪቱ ሲዒሩ
ሓቂ ኣመስኪሩ

መንቀኛ ደኒኑ
ንሓቂ ሪዒሙ
ሓደ ድምጺ ኮይኑ
እገዳ ኣልዒሉ
ፍትሓዊ መሲሉ

ሓፋሽ ክምስ ኢሉ
ከብዱ ብሕሩሩ
ትማሊ ዘኪሩ
‘ቲ ወጽዓ በደሉ

ዮሃና ዮሃና
እንኳዕ ኣሐጐሰና
ከም ጸሓይ ምድማቕና
ዓወት ‘ዩ ጻማና

ዕድመ ንሻዕብያ
ኢንጅነር ‘ዚ ቕያ
ምስ ጹኑዕ ህዝብና
ዓወት ዘብቅዓና
Yonatan Solomon Russom
Nov 13, 2018 5:42 PM

Critical Thinking

If we want Eritrea to advance in technology what do we need to know? We need to understand the western culture in order to advance in technology. I can share with you how they have advance in technology. Sometimes it is harder to understand your own culture because you live in it but for someone like me who was an immigrant who tried to understand the western culture, it was not easy either at first because I didn’t speak German or English. So, it was more difficult to understand it without a languages. First it took me a few years to learn the German languages, second it took more years to understand their culture. The best way to learn a language and to know culture is to live in it or work or go to school with them by observing, and experienced it their values. Even western themselves don’t see it their own culture how it is from different angle because they have accepted their own way of teaching of the educational system. While I was questioning it why math was taught the way it is today, it didn’t not make sense to me how it was taught currently, most of them they didn’t mind it because they have already accepted. For me, I couldn’t accept it without analyze it and understood the virtue. The virtue was not clear to me. I didn’t care that I got good grade or not, I did not have faith on their educational system and most of them were paying thousands of dollars to be educated, I on the other hand from the beginning their teaching was to abstract. There are many things that we do in our own culture that we take it for granted, we don’t question it either, we just do it. I will give you an example, when a priest comes to our home we kiss the cross but we don’t even know what kind of cross it is? we kissed without knowing shape and what the shape is. Even if it is cross we have no idea what kind of cross it is? And what I found out about the western culture is also the same thing what they learn in school subjects is that their previous philosophers and scientist have already designed abstractly how they should learned it . I had no choice to learn what everybody was learning, specially mathematics, even though no one can tell me the application for it and I was not happy to learn something without known what it is use for. It didn’t feel it from the beginning how it was graphed with all the fluxion (curve). It didn’t seem to have any connection with technology. I kept asking what was the purpose what I was learn this kind of mathematics. I was getting excuses after excuses that it will useful later but I wanted to know now if it is useful at all. The western educational system is very abstract unless critically you think about it, it very hard to figure out the virtue.

It is by chance that I got an answer what the problem was with mathematical graphing and other. In order to understand all this technology that was made with artificial Intelligence, it seems that one require more understanding of electronics but it actual require more understanding of mathematics. Not the kind of mathematics that is taught in school or universities, the kind of mathematics that is not taught in public schools. Am I saying there is other kind of mathematics? Oops! Did I say that? አፈዲሔዮም::

What we need to focus is in mathematics not so much in electrical and electronics. Even though it seems that the electronics works with electricity but the rule are mathematics and it is called Boolean Algebra. ካብ ጉይይ ምዉዓል ክሳምሓዝ:: Mathematics.

Thank you
Yonatan Solomon Russom

Nov 13, 2018 1:15 PM

ኮሪዐልኪ ኤረይ

ኤረይ ቀኒአልኪ
እወ ኮሪዐልኪ
ሓይሉ ሚስጢርኪ
ኣይጉነጽን ኢልኪ
እምባ ስዮራ ኰንኪ
ኣባይኪ ኣምበርኪኽኪ
ንኹሉ ማሪኽኪ
ደሚቑ ‘ቲ ስምኪ፧

‘ቲ ንእሽቶ ዓብዪ
ሓሳዊ ኣቃጣሪ
ጕሒላ መንጣሊ 
ቀታሊ ቀንጻሊ 
ንዓኻ ይሰሚ፧

የልዕሎ ‘ቲ ስምኪ
ሕሹኽሹኽ ይብለልኪ
የዕለብጥ ብኣኺ
ሰናይ ዘይሓልመኪ

ይቚንጡ ስጋኺ
የጸልም ታሪኽኪ
ከዐንቅፍ ጉዕዞኺ

ሓያሉ ድኹሙ
ዝግዕር ዓው ኢሉ
ብጋህዲ ብሕልሙ
ኤረይ ይብል ኩሉ
ርእሱ ኣዚርክሉ

ሓይሉ ፍትወትኪ
በርቲዑ ስሕበትኪ
'ቲ ሚስጢር ጽን ዓትኪ
ዝጨበጠ ሓቂ
ዓለም ኣገሪምኪ

መኪትኪ ሲዒርኪ
መጒትኪ ረቲዕኪ
ኤረይ መን ከማኺ፧

ስዩም ኢሉ ኣባይኪ
ዓልሊ ዓው ኢልኪ
ይቃላሕ ሓጐስኪ

ንበሪ ክበሪ 
ዓምብቢ ህጠሪ
ንደቅኺ በሊ
ዓይንኺ'ዩ እዝኒ
ኣባይኪ ዘለሊ
Nov 13, 2018 1:09 AM

ቀኒአልኪ ኤረይ

ኤረይ ቀኒአልኪ
እወ ኮሪዐልኪ
እንታይ ’ዩ ሚስጢርኪ
ንኹሉ ማሪኽኪ
ደሚቑ ‘ቲ ስምኪ፧

‘ቲ ንእሽቶ ዓብዪ
ሓሳዊ ኣቃጣሪ
ጕሒላ መንጣሊ
ቀታሊ ቀንጻሊ
ንዓኻ ይሰሚ፧

የልዕሎ ‘ቲ ስምኪ
ሕሹኽሹኽ ይብለልኪ
ይሻቐል ብኣኺ
ክፋእ ይኣልመልኪ

ይቚንጡ ስጋኺ
የጸልም ታሪኽኪ
ከዐንቅፍ ጉዕዞኺ

ሓያሉ ድኹሙ
ዝግዕር ዓው ኢሉ
ብጋህዲ ብሕልሙ
ርእሱ ኣዚርክሉ
ኤረይ ይብል ኩሉ

ሓይሉ ፍትወትኪ
በርቲዑ ስሕበትኪ
ንኹሉ ኣምበርኪኽኪ
ኣብ ሓቂ ረጊጽኪ

ስዩም ኢሉ ኣባይኪ
ዓልሊ ዓው ኢልኪ
የቃልሕ ሓጐስኪ

ንበሪ ክበሪ
ዓምብቢ ህጠሪ
ንደቅኺ በሊ

ERi-TV, Eritrea - ጸብጻብ ዑደት ፕረዚደንት ኢሳይያስ ኣፈወርቂ ኣብ ዋዕላ ደቡብ ኮርያ አፍሪቃ | Reportage on President Isaias Afwerki's visit to South Korea for the South Korea-Africa Summit, held from June 3-4

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